13| Physical

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"I still can't believe you traded in the Porsche for a minivan." Gar muttered mostly to himself as we sat quietly in our new car.

Dick sighed, although he didn't hesitate to do what needed to be done it was clear that he hadn't wanted to part with his beloved Porsche either. "At least we can all fit in."

"I like the van." Kory stated as she shifted awkwardly between the two teenagers she was seated with. As I tuned around to face them, I couldn't believe that I was sitting in an old van with Dick Grayson and a group of strangers.

"I don't." I declared as I stared the old motel with distaste, I couldn't even imagine laying my head on one of those pillows. "I feel like a soccer mom."

"We're not actually staying here, are we?" Rachel questioned as she looked out the window into the empty parting lot, to the motel that looked like it was on the brink of collapse.

"You know, there's probably a nicer place down the road." Kory agreed, and I was glad that someone was voicing my distaste for Dick's idea of sleeping in this place. Even if I did understand the reasoning behind it.

Dick looked back to face the group, his posture already telling me that we were about to get some sort of lecture on tactical strategies. "We're being hunted by sociopaths. Nicer places draw attention."

"Yeah, well, they also make it easier to sleep."

"One road in, same road out. Only one point of access we have to watch. And also, it's quiet. If trouble comes our way, we should hear it first." He continued to explain, and I looked out the window again bored with his predictability. "And who said anything about sleeping?"

This seemed to get everyones attention as we all looked up at our self proclaimed leader in shock. Considering that it had been at least three day since the last time I had a full nights sleep, I was beginning to become eager to solve this Rachel situation as quickly as possible.

Seeing as there was nothing else to discuss I stepped out of the old van and began walking towards the motel office. I heard footsteps right behind me and slowed down waiting for them to reach me. "You're going to pay for the rooms right?"

"Can't you pay with one of your stolen diamonds?"

"I don't really think I could pay in diamonds and stolen goods." I replied with a smile, although what I was saying couldn't be farther from the truth. I had already collected all the cash value of the items The Sirens and I had stolen."But you have access to Bruce Wayne's money."

Dick seemed to tense at the mention of his adoptive father's name, piquing my curiosity on what exactly had happened between the two. "Are you going to tell me what happened between you and Bats?"

"I don't owe you anything."

I felt the sting of his words, but smiled regardless. "You wound me Dick Grayson."

Finding myself slightly irritated I continued forward, going through the motel office door. I felt my feet freeze in their spot as I took in the office, my small hope that the rooms might not be the nightmare I believed them to be crumbling right before. Though the middle-age woman at the counter seemed nice enough, it was clear she was miserable.

"Let me guess one single?" The woman questioned as we approached the counter.

I laughed as I leaned against the counter, instantly regretting it as I noticed how filthy the entire room was. "Oh he wishes. It will actually be five singles. All next to each other please."

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