02| Batman And Robin

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8 Years Ago: Gotham City

I watched the television in silence, I didn't need to hear anything to know exactly what was going on. Yet, I still raised the remote turning up the volume. After a couple of months of what now seemed like paradise for this city, there was a sudden attack on Arkham Asylum and some of the city's worst villains were now on the loose.

Now I was regretting having stayed behind after hours, but there was just so much work that needed to be done, and I couldn't let this business fail. Especially not after everything that my mother had to go through to get this business going.

Turning off the T.V I went back to work. I looked down at the design I had created, and cursed myself for designing something so complicated especially when the deadline for this dress was was a couple of days away.

As I continued with the beading details on the sleeve the light in the shop went out, leaving me in complete darkness. "Esto es lo que necesitaba." I muttered under my breath as I stood up and even though I knew it wouldn't do anything I tried flipping the light switch a couple of times.

There was a back up generator in the back, but a part of me wanted to take this as a sign to go home. So, I began to gather my things feeling a slight sense of fear that this was happening on the day that dozens of Gotham's worst villains had broken out of their cells at Arkham.

Rushing towards the door, letting stupid thoughts get in my head I was ready to leave when suddenly a loud explosion had my ears ringing. I wasn't fully able to process what had just happened until I felt a sharp pain spread through my body.

I sat up covered in ruble, everything suddenly coming into focus. There was a large hole where the entrance of the store should have been, whatever had caused the explosion had sent me across the room. Then it dawned on me that someone had to have caused that explosion.

Immediately I got to my feet, ignoring every protest of my body to do so. "This can't be happening." I muttered to myself, but I should know better in a city like Gotham this was nothing new.

Running towards the back door I opened it to find three figures, who's face were covered in black mask waiting. Slowly I took a couple of steps back, almost as if I had come face to face with a wild animal. They made no attempt to move forward, but once there was a couple of feet of distance between something large seemed to fall from the ceiling.

I yelled as I instinctively covered my face not sure what to expect. But once I opened my eyes and saw a large black figure, wearing a familiar cape and cowl I felt a rush of relief. Knowing that I was safe.

"Run." He ordered, and I didn't have to be told twice as I ran in the other direction where the large hole in my mother's shop was. Coming to a sudden stop I watched in horror as more figures emerged from that spot. I wasn't able to get a good look at them as the dust from the explosion still seemed to fill the air.

"Maybe you should hide instead." A voice said from behind me. I jumped as I turned around to find another masked figure, however this one I knew. It was Robin, the Batman's sidekick. "We'll take care of this."

In one swift motion I was suddenly standing behind him, and as I looked around what was once the shop that my mother dreamed of having I realized that now it seemed like a battle field as there was fighting all around me. Whoever these people who decided to break in were, they seemed to be no match for these two vigilantes.

Determined to go into the closet where I was hopefully not going to be found I ran, without looking back. Seconds away from reaching the door handle I felt as I was pulled back by my hair and I was suddenly in the grasp of two men as they held onto both of my arms. Panic began to set in and I was wondering why I hadn't felt it before. And maybe it was because before I had some hope of getting out of this.

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