Chapter 29

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Author pov (theres a warning ahead. if you dont like it. im very sorry. please dont report me. i hope you guys dont mind that theres alot drama in ahead. im sorry.)

"she's alright. but she told me... what really happened that night."  Hamun said as the boys look at each other. "what do you mean? she told me what happened." Jungkook said as he raises his eyebrows, " she... kinda skip what really happened." Hamun said as she looks at both of them. "tell me. what really happened?" Jin asks her.

*yesterday night with Eungun*

Hamun went to the police, and saw officer Lee, "officer Lee." He looks at his left and smile, "oh. good evening miss choi. I'm guessing you're the lawyer of miss shin?"Hamun nod, "yes, I hope you don't mind if I can still visit her?" she asks him, "sure, I don't mind, but you got 10 minutes with her." she bows and went to the room while waiting for her. she takes her phone and sees her friends text her.


Jesuk: Is she okay?


Hamun: I'm here in the police staiton. and no, I haven't meet Eungun eonni.

Jesuk: Tell her that we're here for her and praying for her.

Hamun: okay, I will. I should go now.

Jiwoo: tell her that everything will be over soon!

Sangha: *seen*

Hamun: hi eonni. anyway, I should go now.

she put her phone back in her pocket and she heard the door, "miss Choi. she's here." officer Lee said as he opens the door for Eungun. she looks at the ground as she looks up and sees her friend, "H-hamun..." she whispers, Hamun smile and Eungun run to her and hug her. "ssh... everything is okay." she said to Eungun.Eungun nod and she break the hug and look at her. "lets start or I can give you a rest." as they sit down facing each other, "no, I want to finish this." Hamun nod and take her notebook with pen.

"ready?" Eungun nod and she began to say what happened her that night, "do you remember their face?" Eungun shakes her head, "n-no, I-I can't see it very well..." Hamun sigh as she massages her temple, "but... can I say this to you..?" Hamun look at her, "huh? sure, what is it?" she looks at her.

".... I think I know this person, but I can't recall who..." Eungun said as she trying hard to think who, " *sigh* eonni. don't force yourself now. and also did you sleep?" Hamun look at her friend who is not well and look a mess. Eungun shakes her head, " I haven't... I mean I did, but I can't sleep well because of them... it's giving me a bad feeling..." she said as Hamun take her hand and caress her hand. " if you remember. call me okay?" Hamun said as she stands up, Eungun pulled her hand and she looks at her eonni.

"I remember... I heard the guys voice in the phone." Hamun immediately sat down and she looks at her, " and then?" , "the guy in the phone..."

*that night flashback*

"Sir... the mission is complete. her father is knocked out... so many drops of blood everywhere." the guy said as he held the phone in his ear. Eungun slowly her eyes and hears a guy talking,  "excellent. what about the girl?" the other line asks him. the guy looks at Eungun whos laying the floor, the guy smirk, "don't worry sir. I'm sure you will love it when you see the news." the guy said on the phone.

"alright. you boys should get out of there before someone caught you." the other line said, "alright sir. " the guy hangs up and signals the guys to get out. Eungun slowly gets up from laying down and looks around sees her father on the floor, "a-appa-" she faints.

*end the flashback*

Eungun tell to her and Hamun think, "hmm... do... you have a relationship in the past?" she ask her and Eungun gives her, 'what the fudge' her face to her, "what?! no. I never- wait... I think there's a guy who stalked me like 3 years ago when I'm in London. This guy creepys me out and sending me weird letters! so I called the police and told them about the stalker. wait what does this mean Hamun?" she looks at Hamun, " do you perhaps... know him?" Eungun shook her head, "no, I don't know him. if I do, I would tell the police about him." Eungun said she sighs.

"wait! hold up. why are you here then?" Jungkook asks Hamun and she rolled her eyes, "I'm getting there. and don't cut me, officer Jeon." Jungkook chuckle, "cute." he winks at him and Hamun glared at him, "okay! can we get back to the story?! " Jin shouts at them, and both of them look at each other, "arugh fine, and you officer Jeon don't cut the story." Jungkook nod as  Hamun start where she stops.

"Oh, I see..." Hamun said as she sighs again, "I'm sorry... I really am sorry I know you never been this situation yet..." Hamun look at her, "mianhe eonni for not helping you, but do you have any evidence?" Eungun nod, "really? where?" she asks her, "well go to my home. and"

"here am i. she told me to go to her house and check the secret room. now, if you want to talk to me. let's talk later. we're wasting time. we don't have much time. " she run to book selves, "wait I do that." Jungkook run to her and help her out and Jin run beside Jungkook help out. they try to push, "its stuck." " push harder hyung." jungkook said to his hyung and Hamun look at her watch.

the boys are having a hard time to move it as Hamun sees something wrong, she went to the books as she pushes it backward, the bookshelves go down in the floor and the boys fell in the hole. hamun look down, "are you guys okay?" the boys say yeah, as Hamun goes down as she uses the ladder and the boys are still the ground, "yah! jungkook get off of me!" Jin said to Jungkook who still sitting Jin back.

"hold on hyung~ " Jungkook gets up from him and helps him out, "guys..." the boys look at Hamun, "yes, Hamun." , "look. " Hamun point at something and boys look at where Hamun point. "where... are we?" the boys said as they look at the room.


thank you for reading this chapter. i hope you guys can share this to your friends^^ and i guess thats all. dont forget to comment and vote! annyeong!! please check out my BTS imagine. please dont forget to check it out! see ya!

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