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My last class period of the day is science class. The teacher Mr. Schwartz was lecturing over the brain. Opal gave me a note.

Opal: I love your jacket!

I wrote back to her, we passed it back and forth. Dad's jacket was leather with patches and buttons.

Me: Thanks, it's my dad's.

Jess: It's awesome!

Opal: You may think this is weird, I smelled the jacket just now and it smells like cologne with a tinge of cigarettes. It's so orgasmic!

Me: Did you just say-

We were interrupted by Mr. Schwartz.

"Miss. Furter, what do you have there?"


Opal and Jess giggled.

"All three of you young ladies were passing notes in class?"

"Yes sir," we said.

"Come up to the front of the class and read every bit of it."

We went to the front of the class and we read what each of us wrote.

"I love your jacket," Opal read.

"Thanks, it's my dad's," I read.

"It's awesome," Jess read.

"You may think this is weird, I smelled the jacket just now and it smells like cologne with a tinge of cigarettes. It's so orgasmic!" Opal read.

"Did you just say," I read.

The rest of the classmates were laughing about it.

"Opal said orgasm," a guy said.

"Shut up!"

My voice boomed like how my dad yells when he's mad or excited.

"Change your tone Furter."


"You three will be given a note to your parents, make sure they read them, I will be calling home to make sure they see it and assure me this won't happen again in my classroom."

I was given the note and I went home in shame.

Fran Furter (A RHPS Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now