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That Monday, I was on my way out of science class getting ready to go home. Mr. Schwartz stopped me.

"Miss. Furter, may I ask you something?"

"Yes sir."

I walked to his desk.

"Miss. Furter, you said your father was a scientist right?"

"Yes sir, why?"

"Would you mind asking him to come to class to observe on the day of presentations?"

"I could ask him."

"Great! One more thing, the reason why I'm doing this is two things. You know your classmate Veronica, the petite girl you talk to last few minutes of class every so often. I found out today by gossip that her dad is a transvestite and she's being bullied for it, the bullies are a few girls in this class and I hope both of you give them an earful. Number two, I hope he can tell us what kind of science he does-"

"Life! Life science," I said quickly.

"Life science?"

"Well, it's kinda like Biology...yeah, Biology."


"I gotta go, it's almost time for my bus. See ya Mr. Schwartz, have a wonderful evening."

"You too."

I left.

When I got home, Magenta walked to me.

"Hi Fran, how was school today?"

"Great, where's Dad? In his lab?"

"Actually, he said he was gonna take a nap over half an hour ago. Let's not disturb him."


"Come here. Follow me."

I followed Magenta to her room. Columbia was hanging out with her. 


Columbia ran to hug me.

"Your dad is a napping for a bit so, what we could do while we wait-"

"We would like to give you a makeover," Mag said.

"What? A makeover? On me?"

"Yeah, this'll be good for you. You always wear that black stuff. We could experiment a bit."

"But I like my black stuff."

"Just try this out for us. Blue eye shadow and red lipstick, that's it. Then, you can go back to your black stuff."

I sighed.


Mag put the make up on me. 

I looked in the mirror, I looked so different, I look like Dad, especially the eyes. 

"I look like Dad." 

I thought out loud. 

"You always have," Columbia said.

"I know that. I'm his kid!"

"You are his kid!"

All of a sudden, Dad was in the doorway. Magenta turned to him and bowed her head.

"Master, how was your nap?"

"I didn't take one. I couldn't, I guess I'm not a napping person no?"

"If you say so master."

He chuckled. He noticed me and my makeup.

"Well, look at you, a mini me."

"All I need is a corset and we're all out."

"That's not what I mean. I mean you're makeup. It's just like mine."

"This was Magenta and Columbia's idea of a new look."

"Hmm. It does look good on you darling. Whether you wear this or all black, I love you. I raised you to love people for who they are and vice versa." 

"Speaking of that, Mr. Schwartz wants you to observe project presentations."

"Why is that?"

"Because a girl in my class is being made fun of because her dad's a transvestite. Permission to give them an earful? Well, granted! And my classmates would probably love to meet my transvestite Dad."

"I'll show em!"

"You go Dad!"

We resumed our evening.

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