Mr. Schwartz's Back!

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I resumed the rest of the day like nothing happened. I don't know if Jess told her mom. Oh well.

The next day, Mr. Schwartz was back! Finally! But as soon as I sat down...

"Francesca Furter, come to my desk please."

I got up and walked to him.

"Yes sir?"

"Mr. Durkett told me what happened yesterday. You are in big trouble young lady."

I rolled my eyes.

"Why did you roll your eye at me!?"

"He did not tell the whole story, just as I predicted."

"What do you mean? He told me you kicked him in the groin."

"Mr. Schwartz, I found out that he was sexually abusing a few female students, Jess included. My dad always says it doesn't hurt to hear both sides of the"

"You're saying he didn't tell me the whole story?"

"Yes sir. He was manipulative too. He said if I told, he would make sure I was expelled. Sir, believe me, I would never lie about something like this."

He stared at me for a few seconds and responded.

"I'll tell you what, you, Jess, parents, and myself will have a conference with the principal tomorrow evening. We'll try to sort this out ok?"

"Ok. Thanks for hearing my side."

"You're welcome. You've always been such a good student and a good kid."

"Thank you sir."

I sat down at my desk.

As soon as I got home from school, I found my dad in his lab.


"Francesca darling! How was school?"

"Well, we got a conference tomorrow."

"Oh what did you do now!?"

"Dad, chill! I didn't do anything, a substitute teacher did. Hear me out."

"What happened?"

"There was a sub in my science class. I kept hearing sexual allegations against him. A girl in my class was raped in the class' supply closet, Opal saw him enjoying a view of my ass one time, and Jess was a target of harassment both sexually and mentally. Now, we gotta go to a conference in the principal's office with Jess and her mom, Mr. Schwartz will be there too."

Dad had a look on his face that could go one of two ways, he does or he doesn't believe a word I just said. But this happened. He slammed his hand on the operating table.

"That damned prick! Fran sweetie, listen, us Translyvanians may be crazy but we have our limits! Pedophiles are frowned upon and frowned upon good. Engaging in sexual pleasure with an innocent child is very wrong! I could just stab him until his guts are spilling out!"

I could tell he was trying not to cry.

"Did he hurt you?"


"I'll kill him if he ever did. I'll go to conference."

"Dad, come as yourself, you don't have to have a disguise."

"Alright darling."

He gave me a big hug.

Fran Furter (A RHPS Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now