Anybody Can Do Something

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Opal and Jess came home with me that weekend. We wanted to plan and make the project together. Mr. Schwartz said something about a science project due at the end of the semester. The end of the semester is in a couple more weeks. We decided to seek Dad for help. We got in the elevator and off to the lab we went. I'm starting to get less scared of that elevator. Dad was in his lab as usual. 

"Dr. Furter?" Both girls asked.

"Dad?" I asked.

After a few seconds of looking around, Dad walked out of the walk in freezer.

"Evening ladies! How was school?"

"Usual crap," Opal said.

He smirked.

"We need your help," Jess said.

"You need my help huh? How can I be of service?"

"We have a science project due in a couple weeks, since you're an expert on science, we thought we could use your help," I said.

"I'm not doing the work for you, you!?"

"Dad, easy. We know what we want to do it on but, what can we do?"

"Well, why don't you three ladies take a load off on the ramp and we'll think of something."

We sat on the ramp.

"Are there any requirements?"

"Anything as long as it's school appropriate. We could sing, you're good at that."

"You wanna write a song, you ought to ask Riff Raff for pointers!"

"Dad, ease up."

"Don't tell me to ease up!"

"Ok ok  you two, settle down! Let's think of something else," Opal said.

"Jess, what do you like to do?"

"Nothing right, that's for sure."

"Jess, why so glum? Anybody can do something. I can sing and so can Francesca. Rif Raff is good at fixing things. Columbia can tap dance. Magenta can make mean food, her specialty is Salisbury steak. There's gotta be something you can do. Well, I remember last time you ladies were here, someone left a drawing on the coffee table in Francesca's bedroom lounging area. Who was it?"

"Jess, it had your name on it. It was a portrait of Mickey Mouse. Columbia loves it so much she framed it in her room, she likes Mickey," I said.

Jess smiled shyly.

"See what I mean sweetheart? Everyone's good at something. You have a remarkable artistic talent! You three can do something artistic."

Then, I thought of something.

"A flip book!"

"Beg your pardon darling?" Dad asked confused.

"Are you guys familiar with flip book animations?"

"Uhh...kinda," Opal said.


"We can do that," I said.

"Excellent!" Dad shouted happily. 

We got to work! Lasted the entire weekend.

(A/N: Did you spot the fourth wall break in that part?) 

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