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Dad decided to wear a black sparkly long sleeved shirt and a long black leather skirt, he had his fishnets under the skirt that could pass for panty hose. Dad was himself. We were kinda late by a minute. Dad was a couple inches behind me as I knocked on the principal's door.

"Come in."

I peeked in.

"Sorry we're a little late."

"Oh no Miss. Furter, you're on time, come in.

Jess and her mom was there. Jess' mom was pretty, she had a waitress uniform on.

I walked in, Dad right behind me, Jess smiled while the rest was quite shocked.

"Dr. Furter!" Jess said.

"Jessica darling, how are you?"



We sat down.

"Hi Ms. Kelly," I said.

She smiled.


"Principal Fredricks, Mr. Schwartz, Ms. Kelly, I would like you meet my father, Dr. Frank N Furter."

He shook hands with the principal.

"Pardon me Dr. Furter, why are you dressed like-"

"He's a transvestite sir" I said.

"So, uh, we're here to discuss the issue between Mr. Schwartz's substitute teacher Mr. Durkett and two students, Francesca Furter and Jessica Kelly. Miss. Furter, Mr. Schwartz was told by you that the sub has been sexually abusive to some female students, including Jessica. Correct?"

"Yes sir."

Dad turned to Jess.

"Are you alright darling?"

"Feeling better."

He smirked and nodded.

"Jessica, he has sexually abused you?"

"He touched me inappropriately, my chest while tutoring me on Mitosis, he made it look like it was unintentional."

"What about you Francesca?"

"Well, on his first day here last week, same day he touched Jess, I volunteered to help set up the projector for the lecture on Mitosis. My other friend Opal Pattinson told me he got a view of my butt while I bent down to plug the projector in the outlet. I was told that he raped a student in the supply closet in the classroom."

"Hmm, I was also told about the last day he was here, would you care to explain escaping detention in the classroom."

"You had detention!?" Ms. Kelly asked.

"Ms. Kelly, let the students explain," Mr. Schwartz said.

"The first d - day Mr. Durkett w - was here, I was a vulnerable target, he started picking on me."

"Jessica darling, deep breaths," Dad said.

She took a deep breath.

"Jess always had problems with stuttering, she's so bashful and meek. I thought she would outgrow it but she's in middle school now and still does it," Ms. Kelly said.

"Adults can stutter too my dear," Dad said.

"On with the detention story," the principal said.

"The day before yesterday was dissection day, I refused to do it because I love animals and I have a weak stomach. He kept pressuring me to take the scalpel and make the incision. He was picking on me like he did his first day. Fran, always has my back. She was standing up for me while he threatening detention on me, I did get detention. Fran got detention for standing up to him for me."

"Jess, you're not stuttering!" I said.

"Fantastic!" Dad said clapping.

"Anyway, we're in detention right. Fran started to confront him about the sexual allegations, he admitted it and manipulated us, he said if we told on him, he'll make sure he'd have us expelled and he asked her which story are you gonna believe, a teacher or a student; and if he came to you first with a made up accusation, your mind would be easily poisoned. Him and Fran argued until he was literally in her face, she kicked him in the balls and we ran off."

I smiled, she finally quit her stuttering, at least taking deep breaths before speaking.

"Is this true Francesca?"

"Yes sir."

"I believe the sub should be fired and made sure he would never teach again," Ms. Kelly said.

Dad nodded in agreement.

"Do you believe us or the sub?" I asked.

"You kicked his private parts?"

"Strictly out of self defense sir."

"Huh. How about you Mr. Schwartz, do you believe what they told us?"

"I do, they're both very good students and children. Miss. Furter, that was a great thing you did for Miss. Kelly, even if it meant kicking him where the sun don't shine, you did a good deed."

"Thank you Mr. Schwartz."

"Alright, what about the parents?"

"Oh I believe them!" Ms. Kelly said.

"Me too, I raised my daughter to stand up for what she believes in and to always speak her mind. I believe a man like Durkett should rot in the Underworld, I would tear his balls off if I was in her shoes the other day! Jessica was too kind and squeamish to dissect. Don't blame her, making refusal to do it a crime. Oh I don't blame her one bit! I know you probably always force students to dissect whether squeamish or not Mr. Schwartz."

"No Mr. Furter, I wouldn't, I give them something else to do to use as full credit for it."

"Thank you!" I shouted.

"It's Dr. Furter...Mr. Schwartz."

"Alright, that is settled. Francesca and Jessica are innocent, Mr. Durkett will be fired from teaching for the rest of his life. You may go."

"Thank you so much," Ms. Kelly said.

We stood up and left.

"You kicked him in the balls, I'm so proud of you!" Dad said as he gave me a hug.

"So, Dr. Furter, would like to go out to have coffee or dinner sometime?"

"Mom!" Jess said kinda embarrassed.

She was flirty, I could tell.

"That's a flattering offer but I'm afraid I must decline. But, since Francesca is a friend of Jessica, both of you are welcome at my place anytime."

"I understand doc, same goes for you too."

"Thank you."

We walked out of the school. 

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