Dad's Presence Part One

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I was nervous! I was so nervous! Nervous for the presentations, especially if Dad's gonna be there. 

During lunch, I sat with Opal and Jess, Dad wasn't gonna be there until the last period. Eddie probably will drive him in his motorcycle. 

"What's wrong?" Opal interrupted my thoughts.

"Just nervous. Not just about the presentation, my dad coming today."

"You're afraid you'll get bullied, because he's a transvestite, just like that girl Veronica's Dad."

"You know about her dad?"

"Yeah, a few of those snobby rich girls has been bullying her nonstop. You know what she said to me yesterday? After what she went through during her parent's divorce and the bullying, she's on the verge of suicide. She said she was planning to purchase a belt and hang herself in her closet."

"Oh God!" I whispered.

I saw her by herself at a table in the front of the entrance.

"I am gonna go talk to her."

"We're coming with you."

We walked to her table but one of the snobby girls stopped us.

"Uh, you might not wanna go near her, she's contagious with trans cooties."

I walked to that girl.

"If she's got it, then so do I because my dad's a transvestite too! You gonna bully Veronica for this, you're gonna have to get passed me and my trans cooties first."

"You don't scare me Furter, what kind of name is that anyway? German?"

"No, it's from a place farther away from Germany, much, much farther."

I walked to Veronica. I heard that other girl scoff like the snob she is and walked away. 

Me and my friends sat and talked to her. 

"Hi Veronica."

"Hi Fran, Opal, Jess."

"Are you ok? I heard about what's been going on."

"I'm ok now, I saw you confront her about me. That was cool. Thanks."

"No problem. Yes, my dad's a transvestite too, you're not alone. Someone ever bullies me, I'll jab em in the throat."

She smiled.

"I love him to death, I don't care what others say. You do too."

"I love my dad, he's a sweet guy."

"My dad and yours love to cross dress, so what? We accept them for who we are. You also said something about divorce."

"Yeah, turns out Mom and Dad have different beliefs. Dad supports the LGBT community, she doesn't."

"Let me guess. She's a so called 'good Christian.' racist, believes LGBT's very sinful and she'll disown you if you either date a black or Mexican boy or if she finds out you're gay. She probably goes to church every Sunday and attends all the events down there except for homeless awareness. He told her he was a part of the LGBT community and wanted a divorce and tried to force you to live with her because she's afraid you'll 'be influenced.' Accurate?"

"100%, wow. You're good. Yes, she is just about everything in your description. I wanted to live with my dad, but Mom was manipulative. You know what I said to her before going out of her life?"


"I will accept people for who they are and I don't need some bigoted bitch like you in my life."

"Woah!" Opal said in shock.

"That was harsh," Jess said.

"I know but she deserved it."

"Veronica, I don't have a biological mother in my life, the only other parental figures I have are Magenta, Columbia, and Riff Raff. Dad's servants."

"Are you rich or something?"

"You could say that. I'm nothing like those girls over there. Them and their plastic Barbie faces and clothes, they think the world revolves around them. If I was, I wouldn't be sitting here with you."

"Thanks Fran."

"My dad's coming to class during presentations today. He wants to meet you, he wants to give those bullies an earful. My family's LGBT galore but they're cool people. Can you keep a secret?"


"Promise you won't tell anyone, not even my dad because he hates it when our home gets exposed."

"I promise."

"We're from the planet Transsexual, in the galaxy of Transylvania. We're aliens, my dad's a scientist, he actually created me in a artificial womb, I guess you could say I'm one of his experiments."

"Woah, that's awesome, you're secret's safe, don't worry."

"Thank you."

She's one of us now.

It was science class time!

*Frank's POV*

Eddie's motorcycle pulled into the school grounds. I got out at the front entrance.

"Come back in an hour."

"Yes Master."

He drove away. I walked into the school and went to the office for a visitor's pass. I decided to wear my long sleeve glittery shirt with my corset underneath. I pretty much wore the same thing I wore to that conference except my jacket's included, the one with the patches and buttons. 

"May I help you?" That secretary gave me a judgey look.

"I'm Dr. Furter, here to observe Mr. Schwartz's science class this afternoon."

"Oh yeah, you're Fran's Daddy. She told me a lot of good things about you."

"Oh really?"

"Yep. Here's your pass, have a good evening."


I stuck the pass on my blouse under my jacket, on my way to the classroom. I hate stickers.

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