Sleepover Part Two

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Me, Opal and Jess were in my bedroom.

"I have an idea," I said.

"What?" Opal asked.

"Let's hear it?" Jess asked.

"Let's give each other makeovers."

"That's a wonderful idea!"

I went to my dresser and found my makeup bag. All I have was black lipstick and stuff. 

"Guys, all I have is my goth makeup."

"That's ok."

"Well, black is all I have. Jess, you never wore makeup before right?"


"Opal, you wear yours on an occasional basis."


"Let's just get my dad to give us makeovers. Jess, you need Makeup 101 from Dad,since you never used it before, he'll teach you everything he and I know."

They agreed. 

We were walking in the hall and saw Riff Raff.

"Hey Riff, is Dad in his lab?"

"No, his bedroom, possibly getting ready for bed."

"Ok thanks."


I knocked on his bedroom door.

"Come in."

We walked in, he had that cream stuff all over his face.

"Woah, woah, Dr. Furter!" 

"Scared us!" 

He chuckled.

"A transvestite's gotta have silky smooth skin no?"

"Dad, we need your help."

"Hmm...what is it my dears?"

"Can you give us makeovers?"

Dad smiled really big and was clapping his hands.

"Oh, yes! I would be delighted, I haven't did your makeup in a very long time."

"And Jess needs Makeup 101 asap."

He chuckled.

"Does she now?"

"She never used makeup before."

"Jess darling, you never used it before!?"

Dad was surprised but he didn't yell at her.

"No, I never used it before Dr. Furter."

Jess was still a little shy around him. 

"Have a seat on the edge of my bed and we'll get started."

We sat down, Dad sat in his vanity chair. He wiped the cream off, his real face showed. He got his blush and sat it in his lap and rolled the chair to where he was in front of Jess. 

"Alright, Makeup 101 is in session."

He smiled, she smiled shyly. He held up the blush.

"If you want a full face of makeup, the first think you would want to put on is blush. Your face will be white but it'll be alright."

He applied the blush on her face. He rolled over to the vanity and came back with foundation.

"Foundation comes in different shades, the complexion of your skin, will depend."

He applied it on her.

"Make sure you blendy or else it won't look goody."

Jess giggled. That was funny. Dad has a good sense of humor for a mad scientist. He rolled to get eyeshadow.

"Eye shadow, gives your eyes a dark smoky look, like the end result of food I attempt to cook."

We giggled.

He rolled back to get eyeliner.

"Eyeliner, just a tad to look rad."

We smiled.

He applied it. He had the lipstick.

"Lipstick, any color you choose to let loose."

Last but not least, lip liner.

"Lastly, a bit of lip liner, a touch up, not rhyming this time."

We laughed.

"Since, it's your first time, you might experience irritation, no need to panic, it's normal. Some people are allergic to this stuff."

"Women allergic to makeup? Makeup is literally female war paint," Opal said.

Dad laughed. He got up, put the vanity chair back, he walked Jess to the mirror.

"You look like a rainforest nymph!"


Jess smiled.


"Yeah, wow," I said.

"Opal, you're next."

She nodded. He went on to do her makeup and mine. We had a great time that night. 

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