Dissections And Detentions

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Mr. Durkett was still there when the weekend was over with.

"Before we start today's lesson, I would like to inform you that dissections are coming up. Mr. Schwartz did say that you had to do dissections in this class. I know you may have done at least once in the past but let me refresh your memory."

He showed us some slides on dissection. I don't mind doing these things, those animals are dead anyways. Jess, on the other hand, hates doing these things because she's too sympathetic. Opal don't mind like I do. I remember dissecting a frog a few years ago, my old science teacher said it was optional for the students who get squeamish, she found something else for full credit. I understand people have weak stomachs. My stomach is literally iron just like Dad but we have our limits.

The day of the dissection was a couple days later. When we walked into class. We saw our desks in pairs, I was with Opal. Jess was with another classmate. We had one tray each pair. Dead little piglets! No frogs? Cute dead little piggys! Jess will definitely have issues with this one, she loves animals, like I said before. We dissected for a few minutes, I kept a close eye on Jess. Her partner was dissecting. Her partner was about to slice it. Mr. Durkett walked to her.

"Hey, why don't you let Jess try it."

"But she -"

"Give it to her now!"

He handed her the scalpel.

"Now, cut the pig."

Jess hesitated. Please don't do this to her...please.

"I - I can't."

"You're not gonna do it?" He asked her sternly.

"I...I love ani...animals too much."

"This dissection is worth a huge percentage of your grade for this class."

"About 30%," I mumbled.

Opal smiled.

"Mr. Durkett, let her do something else," Opal said.

He ignored her.

"Just cut the pig."

He noticed the whole class looking at them.

"Get to dissecting."

Everyone was subordinate except me. I kept a close eye on this.

"Just cut it and start dissecting. We got all day to argue over a big project like this."

"I'm s...sorry."

"Mr. Durkett please!" I shouted.

"Furter, if you don't get to dissecting you'll be in detention with me for a week."

"Oh we'll have so much fun together!" I said sarcastically with a smirk.

Reminded myself of Dad there.

"Fran." Jess said as she shook her head.

"Ok, here's what's gonna happen Jess, you'll do what I say or after school detention this afternoon."

She didn't answer him.

"Ok, detention!"

Jess started to cry. I grabbed my scalpel and hid it behind my back as I stood up.

"What is your deal with her!? Just because she's so vulnerable doesn't mean you have to bully her!" I yelled.

"You want a detention too?"

"Yes I do!"


I felt Opal take the scalpel out of my hand.

"You'll be joining Jess for detention."

I sat down and winked at Jess. She knew I was gonna be there for her protection because of rumors of sexual assault.

After class, a girl classmate walked to me.

"Be careful Fran, he'll try to rape you, like he did me, in the supply closet."

I was raging internally.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure he pays."

We sat in detention. I sat right next to Jess.

"My first detention, I can't believe it," I said.

"Me neither."

"Quiet! This is detention."

"Doesn't matter Mr. Jerkett."

Jess silently gasped.

"Watch me," I mouthed.

"What did you call me?"

"You heard me."

"Would you like another detention?"

"Nah, one is good enough for me. But, if you lay a finger on me or Jess right now, you'll be reported to the principal. I know about the rape in the supply closet and you taking a peak at my ass, and the other allegations."

"Who's he gonna believe, a student or a teacher."

"A brutally honest student, you perverted prick."

I knew I was gonna get into trouble for this but it had to be done.

"Not if I'll report you first. The principal's mind is easily poisoned, he'll believe me if I report first."

"I don't care if I get into trouble for this. I am a Furter, you have no idea what us Furters are capable of. I don't care if you tell on me."

"I'm not afraid of you."

He got up from his desk and walked to us. I held Jess' hand.

"You tell on me, I'll make sure you face expulsion."

"Your manipulation is not going to work."

"It works on your friend easy as pie."

"You touched her, didn't you? The first day you came here!"

"Again, who's gonna believe you, huh?"

In a matter of seconds, I stood up and kicked him in the balls.

"Go! Jess go!"

We ran out.

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