Behind The Scenes

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A series of interviews with the stars about each other and filming. We are going to name the actors who play Fran, Opal, and Jess. Fran's name is Melanie, Opal is Hailey, and Jess is Vivian. 

Director Jim Sharman is the first to be interviewed. First question is about the story itself.

"The story is about Frank N Furter having a daughter who is nothing like him, Francesca is a very kind young lady who is in her last year of middle school. Her and Frank have a good relationship despite the fact he's a mad scientist."

Next question is about Melanie.

"Melanie is a pleasure on set, her and Tim bond quit well for father and daughter in this story. Melanie is older than her character, she is almost sixteen. She treats everybody on set like buddies."

Next question is about Tim.

"Tim is by far the sweetest person I have ever met in my life, he gets along with everybody very well. He has developed throughout filming a sibling-like bond with Melanie. He is thoughtful and soft spoken. The only time he has ever raised his voice is during filming in character."

Final question is about moments in filming.

"One of my personal favorite moments is when Fran stands up for her friend Jess. Fran is a tough girl at heart, she speaks her mind freely no matter the consequences."

Next interview is with Melanie. The first question is about her character.

"I play Frank N Furter's daughter Fran. A normal kid who is part alien, she's intelligent which is inherited from her father."

Next question is about being on set with everyone.

"This is my first acting role. The story was fun to make. Richard, Pat and Nell are fun to hang with and Tim is a sweetie, side splittingly funny, and super cute and charming; he has a silky smooth voice. Hailey and Vivian are my best friends on and off set. We had a lot of fun."

Next question is about fun facts about scenes.

"The scene where Jess gets Makeup 101, Tim improvises the rhyming. We thought it was genuinely funny. The scene were Frank slaps me, his hand was almost two inches from my face and one of my slip ons I wore later in the story was used to make the sound effect of the slap. Tim didn't want to hit a girl, he is such a gentleman!"

Final question is about her bondage with Tim.

"Tim and me became best buds as soon as we got to know each other first day of filming. During breaks, he would have a smoke while all of us talked. He is so sweet and cute. I have a little crush on him, please don't tell him."

Next interview is with Tim. First question is about filming.

"The first thing I'd like to point out about filming is that I had a lot of fun on set despite how irritating the high heels I had to wear were. I did my makeup all myself, it started with the same makeup artist that did David Bowie's Aladdin Sane look, he took over an hour to put it on. I ended up doing it myself which took a lot less than that."

Next question is about working with the children.

"I adore children! I really do. Melanie who plays my daughter, her friends, even the school children are a pleasure."

Next question is about his bondage with Melanie.

"Melanie is a pleasure to work with like I said earlier. She is a fun and active girl. Us singing together in the kitchen was a blast. I had a blast working with her as a whole. The Makeup 101 scene was fun to do, I improvised that. I made the girls laugh, Vivian was shy when se first met me on set, I did that scene to make her smile. Me and Melanie bonded like siblings more than a fictional father and daughter. Hailey is the funny one of the children, she said to me that she wanted to do stand up comedy after I asked her what her plans were for the future. And yes, I asked Viv and Melanie the same, Viv said artist and Mel said actress."

Final question is about Frank and Fran's relationship.

"In my opinion, they have a good relationship, they may have their ups and downs, family is family. He raised her well for a mad scientist from Transsexual, Transylvania."

Next interview is with Richard O Brien. First question is about how he started writing the story.

"I was in the Broadway play Hair along with Tim. I just started writing it for pleasure. If it weren't for me, all this filming wouldn't have been done."

Next question is about casting the kids.

"Melanie was the first to audition for the part of Francesca. She was perfect, she showed up as she was instructed to with goth makeup. Her and Tim look a lot alike, why she was perfect. Hailey's got the attitude to play Opal. Vivian's got the innocence to play Jessica. The rest of the children are just extras."

Next question is about working with the cast.

"Everyone got along on set. Tim is very nice to all of us. Nell and Pat get along like sisters. The kids are very silly and active."

Final question is about making more project in the future.

"I don't know, I just might."

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