Sleepover Part One

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We got off the bus together.

"You live in the country?"

"Yeah. But, it's not like I'm a farmer."

We laughed.

We walked until we saw the castle.

"What the hell is this!? The Frankenstein mansion?" Opal asked surprised.

"Well, you could say that."

We walked in the castle.

"Oh my God, this place is awesome," Opal said.


Magenta walked to us.

"Fran, you're home. How was school?"

"Good, these are my friends who are sleeping over. That's Magenta, our domestic."

"I'm Opal Pattinson."

Opal and Magenta shook hands.

"This is Jessica Kelly."

Jess was shy.

"Jess' a shy one."

"That's ok."

"Is Dad in his lab?"

"Yes, he's excited to see you two."

They smiled. Riff Raff walked out.

"Ah Fran. these must be your friends!"

"Yeah. Girls, this is Magenta's brother Riff Raff, he's the handyman here."

"Opal and this is Jessica," Opal introduced.

"Pleasure. Fran always has something positive to say about you two."

"That's great!"

"Mag, Riff, we're gonna take the elevator to the lab."

"But, your fear of heights!" Riff said.

"I shall overcome!" I said smirking.

We got in the elevator.

"You have a fear of heights?" Opal asked.

"Yes, no problems with that right?"

"Right, right."

We stopped in the lab. As soon as it stopped, Dad was standing, facing us.

"Oh my God," Opal said.

"He is a transvestite," Jess said.

"Again, no problems."

We got out of the elevator. Dad was smiling at us, it was his biggest smile ever.

"Evening ladies! How'd you do? You met my handyman and domestic?"

"Yes sir or ma'am," Opal said.

He chuckled.

"They haven't met Columbia yet," I said.

"Oh. Opal and Jessica, Francesca told me so much good thing about both of you. My name's Dr. Frank N Furter. Welcome to our lovely home."

He walked to Opal.

"You're a tough cookie but kind to friends and family. Enchante."

He kissed her knuckle. I saw her blush. He turned to Jess.

"You're bashful around strange people but sweet as sugar. Enchante."

He kissed her knuckle. She smiled shyly.

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