Dad's Presence Part Two

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*Fran's POV*

I walked into class. Mr. Schwartz noticed me.

"Miss. Furter, the secretary just called, he's on his way up. Thank you for letting me invite Dr. Furter today."

"You're welcome sir."

I sat down and class began.

"Alright, today is the day of our presentations. I expect everyone contributing or you wont get full credit."

Then, there was a knock at the door. Mr. Schwartz looked to see who it was.

"Miss. Veronica, would you mind getting the door?"

"Sure Mr. Schwartz."

She got up and answered. It was Dad.

"Thank you darling!" He said as she let him in.

The looks on the rest of my classmate's faces. 

"Dr. Furter, so glad you could join us."

"Thank you Mr. Schwartz. So wonderful to meet your students, and there's my precious little girl."

He walked to me and gave me a side hug. 

"Dr. Furter is here to observe your presentations."

"Don't worry children, I'll go easy on you."

He chuckled. I stood up.

"If anyone has a problem, speak now or forever hold your peace."

Nobody answered but I saw the rich girls in the back giving me looks.

"Dad, you see those girls back there?"


"My new friend Veronica is a victim of bullying by these girls, all because her father is similar to you."


He started walking to them.

"This is a school, go easy on them," Mr. Schwartz said.

"Oh I will. I don't bite...much. Kidding!"


He chuckled making the girls uncomfortable.

"Oh yes, I see. Barbie girls living in their own little Barbie world. The only difference between you and me, we dress for pleasure while you dress for conceit and greed. You think you're so superior to people who are different from you, living off your daddy's credit card like a bunch of spoiled brats!" Dad's voice boomed.

"Calm down Dad, they've been punished enough," I said.

"Well, I think so too."

"Karma's a heartless bitch ain't it girls!?" Opal asked them.

"Language," Mr. Schwartz said.

"Sorry sir."

Me and Veronica walked to the girls.

"Now, tell her you're sorry," I said.

I guess they chose to ignore us. Dad slammed his hand on the empty desk that he was standing behind, next to the main girl's desk, making them scream. 

"Dr. Furter, please calm down!" Jess said.

"I am calm."

Dad was trying to calm down.  

"Alright, we're sorry!" The girls said.

I turned to Veronica.

"All's forgiven," she said.

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