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I walked into my science class. At Mr. Schwartz's desk, wasn't Mr. Schwartz. A sub? The guy was dark headed with a mustache similar to a porn star.

"Everybody sit down please, the sooner you sit down the sooner class will begin."

Everyone was seated. He seems a bit more stern than Mr. Schwartz.

"My name is Mr. Durkett, I will be subbing for Mr. Schwartz for the next week or maybe more. He is out due to illness. He left tons of stuff for us to do. First thing's first, a slide presentation on Mitosis. Who's gonna volunteer to help me get the projector out of the closet?"

I raised my hand.

"You with the black clothes, nice of you to volunteer, unlike your classmates."

"Thank you sir."

I stood up and helped him. He seems like a total ass.

"Would you plug it in the outlet for me please."

I did so. I sat back down.

"Alright, I have these little slides here, one of you will tell me which phase it is."

He put up a phase, Prophase.

"Which phase is this?"

I raised my hand.

"Goth girl, you decided to volunteer again. You know?"


"Good! What does it do?"

"DNA is replicated, the chromosomes become visible as paired chromatids and the nuclear envelope disappears."

"Very good!"

He opened up another slide. Metaphase, my personal fav. I raised my hand again.

"One more time and then we move on to another volunteer!"

"Metaphase, the prefix Meta means middle which states that the separation is split exactly down the middle."

"Outstanding! You seem like an intelligent girl."

"My dad's a scientist."

"Oh really?"

"Yes sir."

He nodded. No other volunteers. Nobody else raised their hands. Jess was clearly shy which meant more vulnerability. He walked to her.

"You, young lady. The next phase please?"

She hesitated for a couple seconds, she opened her mouth but he stopped her.

"Spit it out."

She started to stutter a bit.


"You can do it Jess!" Opal said.

"Go Jess!" Another classmate said.

Mr. Durkett frowned.

"Quiet! Let 'Jess' answer this one."

Jess was uneasy, I could tell.


She finally got it, atta girl Jess.

"Excellent! What does it do?"

"I know it comes after Metaphase."

"Uh huh. And?"

She was uneasy again.

"What does it do? I know you know it, you're trying to get it out."

"Chromatids are moved to opposite sides of the cell," I mouthed to her.

She looked at me.

"Who are you looking at?"

He turned to me.

"What are you doing!?"

"Helping her."

"Don't help her, she needs to do this on her own.-"

"Chromosomes are moved to the opposite sides of the cell."

"Now look what you did!"

"She finally got it out Mr. Durkett. She knew it!"

"That's just bull! Thanks to you, Jess will stay here until she knows all of mitosis."

I looked at her apologetically. She smiled at me in forgiveness.

After class, me and Opal was waiting for Jess.

"Fran, you know that sub looked at your ass when you plugged the projector in?"

"It's what guys do, if it gets too far I'll kill him."

"I don't know, I can sense a perv a mile away."

I laughed.

"If you think you're right, we gotta catch him in the act."

She nodded.

After a couple minutes, she walked out.

"Hey Jess, you know it?"

"Yeah, I was stuttering though. I'm glad to be out of there."

"I understand you get real shy when strangers try to talk to you. There's nothing wrong with that. You'll actually grow out of it as you get older. You're ok."

Jess nodded.

"Did he do anything to you?"


"Good. He looked at Fran's ass once today."

We left.

The rest of the week went by kinda smoothly. Finally it was sleepover at the castle. Here goes, they finally meet my family.

Fran Furter (A RHPS Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now