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Everyone was gathered around my bed as Columbia, being a former nursing student, examined me.

"She has a high fever, chills, complaints of body aching all over. Fran, what happened-"

"It's Miss. Fran to you Columbia!" Dad said.

"Miss. Fran, what happened?"

"I played in the creek before coming home today, that's why I was late Riff Raff."

"You're gonna stay in bed and rest, make sure you drink plenty of liquids. Mag, prepare Miss. Fran some hot soup and some hot tea."

"What kind of soup do you prefer?" Magenta asked.

"Well, chicken noodle soup always helps."

"Well then get to it! Start preparing!" Dad said.

"Yes Master," they said as they left.

It was just me and Dad. 

"Would you like anything else baby girl?"


"Alright, you need something, don't hesitate to ask."

I nodded as I closed my eyes. I felt him kiss me on the forehead. I felt his lipstick leave a mark. I heard his heels clicking, fading after each click.

I woke up to the feeling of my stomach churning. I got up and rushed to the bathroom. After a minute of vomiting, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and it was Magenta.

"Miss. Fran, are you alright?"

"I'm throwing up, am I?"

She smiled.

"What ever happened to calling me Fran when Dad isn't around?"

"I don't know. You want me to call you Fran when he isn't around"

"Yeah, like you always been doing. What Dad doesn't know, won't hurt him."

She smiled.

"I prepared you soup and tea, you can at least try to eat it and keep it down. Take small sips at a time."

She helped me up and walked me to my bed.

"I'll try to eat some."


She sat the tray in front of me. She left me to eat a little bit. Turned out I couldn't hold anything down. I went back to the bathroom. Magenta walked back in.

"I heard you upchucking. Did you try eating?"


"You can't hold anything down huh?"


She walked me back to bed.



"Don't feed me anything for the rest of the evening. I'll just throw it right back up."

She nodded.

"I understand Fran."

She walked away. I decided to go back to sleep.

I woke up again but to the sound if my dad's voice booming.

"Damn it Riff Raff! You stupid stupid imbecile!"

"I'm very sorry Master, it was an accident, I swear!"

"You will get whipped for-"

"Dad!" I shouted.


That was a distraction. Riff is safe for now. Dad walked in.

"What is it darling?"

Dad was calm around me.

"Would you care to keep me company for a while?"

"I'm a little busy in my lab. I'll join you in a few minutes."

"You're always in your lab. Have you ever heard of something called priorities?"

"This is my job Francesca. Have you heard of one?"

"No. I'm afraid I haven't."

He chuckled.

"I sense sarcasm. Riff Raff!"

Riff walked in.

"Yes Master?"

"Would you care to watch Francesca for a while? I'll get Columbia to help."

"Yes Master."


Dad left.

"Hey Riff."

"Hello Fran. You know you can wait for your father. He said a few minutes."

"I...I was distracting him. You were about to be whipped and I don't want that. At least I saved you from him. Now he'll concentrate on his science stuff than anything else."

He smirked.

"Thank you Fran. You're the kindest person ever to hail from Transsexual, Transylvania. You are nothing like your father."

"Flattering but I can yell like him and I can sing and dance."

"I'm saying you're not like him emotionally. He's a crazy spoilt mama's boy."

I nodded.

"I'm a kind daddy's girl."

"That's right. You mean a lot to him even though he spends time in lab. He is trying to balance both life as a scientist and a father, He is trying his best."

"I know."

We noticed Dad standing in the door.

"How have you been standing there Master?"

"I just now came in. Riff Raff, I can take it from here."

"Yes Master."

Riff left. Dad sat on the opposite side of the bed.

"I told you I would come in a few minutes no?"

I nodded. I sat up and gave him a big hug.

"Francesca darling."

"Dad, do you really try to balance fatherhood and your science stuff?"

"Oh of course I do darling."

He hugged me tighter.

"Stay here until I fall asleep."

He nodded. I closed my eyes.

I woke up to the sound of Dad's soft snores in the middle of the night, I went right back to sleep holding his hand.

Fran Furter (A RHPS Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now