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That very night, I couldn't sleep at all. Dad always said if you can't sleep, take a peaceful long walk to clear your mind and all the walking will tire you. I decided to go to the lab. I passed Dad's room, I stopped, I placed my ear on the door, he was softly snoring. I gently opened the door. He was laying on his back, his mouth was slightly open, he had no makeup on and his hair was up in the same head band he uses to put that cream on his face. I sat on the edge of the bed and held his hand. His eyes shot open.

"Francesca darling, you scared me."

"Can't sleep."

"Aw, it's good to take long walks."

"I know Dad, go back to sleep."

I kissed his hand. He smiled and closed his eyes.



"I love much."

"I love you to Daddy.'

I got up and left. 

I went to the lab, just to walk around. 

"Alright Daddy, let me see what you've been doing in here."

I walked around, I didn't see anything suspicious until I got to a closet, Dad kept mostly tools in there. I looked in out of curiosity. One thing caught my eye.

It looked like an incubator

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It looked like an incubator. I walked in and took a closer look at it. 

*Riff Raff's POV*

I was watching Fran from the monitor in my room. When I saw her in the closet, my eyes widened, I was afraid she would notice that incubator. She did!


Magenta walked to me, she was with me at the time.

"Fran has discovered the incubator."

"What is she doing snooping around in the master's lab?"

"I don't know. We'll find out yes?"

We left.

*Fran's POV*

After a minute of looking, I heard footsteps. I got out of the lab as fast as I could but Riff and Mag caught me going out of the lab.

"Caught you," Mag said.

"What are you doing up so late and in your father's lab?"

"I couldn't sleep. I was just walking around to tire myself out."

"And the closet?"

"You were watching form the monitors weren't you?"

"Yep, we always do, for security reasons."

"Mag, why does Dad have an incubator in the closet?"

"We might as well tell you. That is an artificial human womb, where you spent your nine months as a growing fetus."

"What? Are you saying that I am one of Dad's experiments!?"

"No, it's not like that at all," Riff said.

"I think it is."

I walked away.

"Fran no, you mean more to him than his experiments!" Mag shouted.

I could not sleep for the rest of the night!

Fran Furter (A RHPS Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now