The Last Shout

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*Columbia's POV*

"I ought to give her a Transylvanian style spanking!" Frank said.

"I'm siding with Fran on this," I said.

He looked at me like I was crazy. I was internally scared but I had Eddie to protect me.

"May I ask why!?"

"She's your kid Frankie, you promised her you'd give us a day off so you two could spend time together! Please don't change your mind over something stupid! She's your own baby girl, no matter how much you two argue, she still loves you and you still love her. That's called unconditional love! Admit it, you love being a father."

"I do, with all my heart," he whispered.

"Then go find her and talk to her, things will always work out between you two in the end."

"Yeah, she's right Master," Mag said.

Frank sighed.

"Excuse me."

As soon as he opened the dining room door, Fran was standing outside.

"Fran, sweetheart, I was just about to look for you."

"I know Dad, I heard Colombia in there talking to you."

"You nosey girl."

Frank chuckled. He gave her a big hug, she started to cry.

"Oh darling."

"Dad, I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry, I'm the one to apologize."

He touched her cheek.

"I know I have lipstick on..."

He then gave her a kiss on the cheek, it did leave a lipstick mark on it but who cares. He walked to the table to get his polyester napkin.

"Your mascara is running darling."

He gently dabbed under her eyes. 

"There you go darling."

She held his hand.

"I love you so much."

"I love you too Francesca."

He walked her to the table.

"Let's eat."

She sat down. Everything works out in the end.

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