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The next day in science class, Mr. Schwartz went over an assignment. 

"Before you leave, I would like to announce your end of the semester projects. This will be considered your final exam in this class. I decided to be nice and not give you a hundred question handwritten exam. Your project will be about any topic we covered in class all this semester. You can write a song and perform it in front of class or you can make a model of the anatomy of the cell or brain or anything like that. We can just end this course this semester on a fun note. Any questions or comments before we leave for the day?"

We shook our heads no.

"Well, have a wonderful evening and I will see you tomorrow."

I was about to leave, followed by Opal and Jess.

"Miss. Furter, may I speak to you? The rest of you girls may go."

I walked to him.

"Yes Mr. Schwartz?"

"When I was calling you and your friends' parents, I couldn't find any phone numbers listed in your school records. Care to explain?"

"We don't own a telephone at my house."

"How come?"

"I don't know Mr. Schwartz, we don't have one. I'm sorry sir."

"Your friends' parents were called and informed. You should tell your parents to have a telephone installed as soon as possible."

"I will tell them."

"Alright, that will be all, thank you very much Miss. Furter."

I left the room. Opal and Jessica were outside.

"Hey girl. What did Mr. Schwartz have to say to you?" Opal asked.

"My parents were supposed to be notified but we don't own a phone. He said to get a phone installed asap. What's he gonna do If I don't? Fail me?"

"I don't know Fran. You're just exaggerating because he's strict."

"I guess you're right. My dad's kinda stern too. When it comes to mood swings he can get unpredictable."

"When can we meet Dr. Furter, I'm dying?" Jess asked.

"How about a sleepover, not this weekend but the next. Dad can help us out with our science projects. He is a scientist."

"Sounds cool!"

We walked away.

I was in my bedroom doing my math homework. It was multi step equations. Easy but there were some problems with variables and numbers on both sides of the equal sign. Kinda confusing right? All I had to do was ask for some help. When I stood up from my seating area across from my bed, I heard that annoying gong.

"Dinner is ready!" Columbia shouted.

I put my homework down and left for dinner.

I was eating dinner with Dad and everybody. We had meatloaf (not Eddie).

"Fran. How was school today my dear?" Dad asked.

"It was alright."

"Alright? Hmm. How could it be 'alright' when it could be 'fantastic' no?" Dad chuckled.

"I didn't get in trouble today so...that's fantastic."

"Oh that is fantastic. I know you're not a troublemaker. You're too me."

"Sweet?" Riff Raff mumbled.

"Got something to say Riff Raff!?"

"No master. Not a thing."

We got back to eating.


"Yes darling?"

"Why don't we have a telephone?"

"That's how us Transylvanians are, we're a bit old fashioned. Why do ask my dear?"

"Mr. Schwartz tried to call you about the other day. He told me to get one installed as soon as possible."

"Well...tell him that it's not our beliefs to own a telephone. Alright?"



I took a sip of my water.

"Dad, can Opal and Jess come over next weekend?"

"Why not this weekend...hmm?"

"I don't know. I said next weekend as a random time."

"They're welcome to visit you know?"

"You just now told me?"

Dad laughed.

"They're welcome to spend the weekend with us."

"Thanks Dad."

"Hmm hmm."

"I also need help with tonight's math homework?"

"I will. I promise right after dinner."


After dinner, Dad and I walked into my room.

"What kind of math is it?"


"Oh goody! I love that stuff. E equals mc squared." He chuckled.

I smiled.

"It's solving equations on both sides of the equal sign."

"Well, let's get to it then shall we?"

He looked at the problem.

"I just have trouble which side to start off with."

"It doesn't matter actually...but, commonly the right side. Don't worry about what side to start. You know - just start on the right side."

I did start on the right side. It worked!

"Outstanding my darling! I think you can do the rest on your own no?"

"I think so."

"Good! If you need more help. Don't hesitate to holler for me."


He was about to leave.

"Dad. Can you stay here and keep me company?"

"Sure my precious."

He sat by me and watched me do the rest of my homework.

Fran Furter (A RHPS Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now