Crime And Punishment

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I opened the door to the castle, there stood Magenta.

"Evening Fran. I made you a after school snack."

She had a plate of assorted finger foods.

"Thank you so much Magenta. I'm not in the mood right now-"

"What happened?"

"Got in trouble."

I handed her the note.

"Oh. The master isn't gonna be happy. You and your two girlfriends talking during class."

"It was note passing. Not really talking."

"Same thing. Now, the master's in his lab. He might be in a foul mood."

I nodded. I went up the flights of stairs to the lab. Dad was in his green lab coat amd his pink gloves. As soon as he saw me, he smiled really big.

"Francesca my dear. How was school?"



I gave him the note. Was he gonna get mad? You wouldn't like him when he's mad. I observed him reading it and bowing my head in shame at the same time. After seconds of reading, I didn't see him get angry but the calm tone of voice he spoke next, I lowered my shield with caution.

"Tell Daddy what happened? You know sometimes it's ok to hear the troublemaker's side of the story no?"

He was calm or at least trying to be calm.

"It started with me paying attention to the teacher, you know my friends I've been telling you about, Opal and Jess?"

"Hmm hmm."

"They gave me a note saying I had a nice jacket. And we were passing the paper back and forth until Mr. Schwartz caught us. We had to read what we wrote out of shame. Dad don't be mad at me! It wasn't my idea to pass notes in class."

He sighed.

"You know what I think?"


"I think all three of you are at fault. You went along with them instead of saying to wait until class was over to talk about something that's not important at that moment in time!" Dad was raising his voice.

I bowed my head again. Dad gently had a hold of my chin and made me look at him.

"Look at me. Look at me straight in the eye when I speak to you Francesca N Furter."

Uh oh. This means punishment.

"Here's what I want you to do. Go to your room, wait for me, be prepared for punishment."

"What are you gonna do?"

"Just go."

I started to walk away.

"Public embarrassment should've been punishment enough," I said out loud.

"I heard that!"

I went to my room. I sat on my bed for a couple minutes. Dad walked in.

"Francesca, I know you're a kind gentle soul of a child but what happened today in your science class will not go unpunished. So, ask me your question?"

"What are you gonna do?"

"I'm gonna spank you. A good old fashion spanking Transylvanian style."

"Doggie style?" I asked smirked.

"This is not funny and wipe that smirk off your face this instant!"

I stopped smirking.

"Up against the wall, facing the wall like you're being arrested. That's Transylvanian style spanking for a trouble making child. Hop to!"

I assumed that position.

"Pull your pants down."

I pulled them down. My panties were visible to him. He swatted me on the butt with his bare hand many times. It didn't last long though. I pulled them back up and turned around.

"You know how lucky you are that you don't get whipped like our hunchbacked handyman?"

"Yes Dad."

"I would never whip you like that, you're my baby, I love you too much."

He gave me a gentle hug.

"Next time you bring a note home from school about you getting into trouble, you will be helping me in the lab for a full week. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes Daddy."

He smirked.


He kissed me on top of my head and walked away.

"By the way. Magenta made you some snacks. Care to come to the dining area with me and we can stuff our faces with pigs in a blankets and cheese puffs?"

I shrugged.

"Why not."

I followed him out, he wrapped his arm around my neck and pulled me into a side hug as we were heading for the dinning room.

Fran Furter (A RHPS Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now