Wolf, Raven and Coyote

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Inspired by the tale of "Raven Steals The Sun" from Native American lore, and the tale of "Coyote stealing fire" also from Native American legend.


The twisting shadows of shapes in the night

The Wolf, the Raven, the Coyote


Unlit by the light of day

No sun to light their path


The fires tended by huge beasts,

Giants of flame and fire


So Coyote went to them

And stole a single coal


They put it in the sky,

To light the path for others


But then the giants were on watch

And the light of the sun hit them


They watched and waited

Their anger brewing


Then wolf came 

While the giants slept


And tried to steal

Another coal


But in the case back home

Wolf knocked Cayote's coal


And sent it spinning round

Breaking into a million shards


In the darkness that issued

The light of the coal shines through


Brocken, scattered among the sky

But still glorious bright


Raven watched the others fight

But never succeeded in the night


So Raven spread his wings

Black as coal, black as pitch


He flew through the sky

High above to an ember


And in the mouth he held a branch

And touched it to the fire


It burned, and grew bright

And Raven put it high above


But he flapped his night-black wings

Sending the coal round and round


So for half the time

Raven's light shines


And for half the time

You can see the embers of the first coal

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