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Chinese arguments was heard inside the room as Gopal, Boboiboy and Yaya were on a couch, sitting and eyes were focused on their phones and tablets.

Someone had always been a silent fan boy of these two bickering pair. Scrolling down on his news feeds, he saw a meme about a shipping pair who is always arguing and it goes like this: If your ship is constantly argues, is it called a
B A T T L E S H I P ?

"Why do you have to be so stubborn, Fang?"

"Me? Stubborn? Maybe you are!"

"Don't lump me in with you!"

Fang scoffed, "Heh. I don't want to deal with a midget like you,"

"Say I'm a midget again and I'll definitely hit your head!" She angrily waved her fist in the air, her eyes burning with extreme anger.

He mumbled something but Ying won't back out, "What did you say,huh?"

He gave her an annoyed look, "Excuse me? Is it wrong to talk to myself? Shrimp?"

Ying was fuming with anger and was about to hit him when Fang stopped her,"Hey now. I just said Shrimp not *toot*toot*toot* so you can't hit me," he walked away from her and decided to sit on the other couch, in front of the three silent figures.

Ying strode next to him, her hands on her hips, "Why do you always drink the milk ?"

Sighing, he rolled his eyes, "I did not saw it was yours. It's in the fridge, it's for everyone. Why can't you share?"

"It's from my mom and she wants me to drink milk! That's my milk!" She shrieked.

"Tch. I just drank few gulps, okay?" He gave her a look but he then gave a smirk, "Okay, my bad. Gosh. I'm really sorry, Ying. The milk was really delicious so I cannot stop my self. Anyway, I won't be drinking from it again, okay?" He look at her from up to down and then smirked, "I forgot that I am tall now, so I don't have to drink milk. Unlike you, who is short. A shrimp."

That ticked off Ying. She gave him an incredulous look and her right brows twitching, "What did you say?"

Fang gave her a shrug and stood up which made Boboiboy and Yaya's eyes followed his movement, "Short people need to drink milk for them to grow." He walked near her. Eyeing her down because he was clearly taller than the angry Chinese girl. He pretended to gasp, "Oh! I just realized! You didn't grow taller because I am always drinking the milk your mom gave you!" He gave her a look of apology, "I'm really sorry,"

Ying was growling and decided to hit him, but something made her right arn paralyzed. He used his Shadow Power on her.

The alien boy gave her a smirk, "What's the matter, shrimp? Gonna cry?"

Boboiboy's voice decided to cut their argument, "Fang. Stop that."

He replied with another chuckle and was still looking down at Ying's teary eyes. Gosh. He really likes to tease this midget.

Throwing him a smirk made Fang surprised but he was more surprised when she heard her say, "Okay. I'll just let it pass. Anyway, for an alien boy like you, you also need to drink the milk my mom has given me. Gosh. I'm glad I have a mom, right?"

Boboiboy Galaxy: The Search for My Own Power Sphere (On-going) Where stories live. Discover now