You Found Me

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I feel the air from my fan blow across my face as I shoot up in bed. It happened again. The vision came back again.

I turn to see my clock.


A groan escapes my mouth as I sink back into my soft pillow. It doesn't seem right. The whole thing. I run my hands through my thin hair.

In my dream, there's a lady smiling at a little girl. The girl seems about 2 years old and resembles a young version of me. The lady is pregnant clearly, and I notice a wedding ring. But I have no idea who this strange smiling woman is. Then out of nowhere a pair of hands takes the kid from her. A man lifts her up onto his hip. I notice the first woman's smile fading as this man and his wife take the little girl out to a car and drive away forever.

It doesn't make any sense. Was the little girl me? Who are those people?

As my thoughts float around my head, I drift asleep again, before I can figure anything out.

A/N- new story! I really hope you like it because I'm really gonna try hard on this one!

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