Part 1

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"Write down what you're feeling."

Alice took the pen and clicked it open. It hung above the paper, as she thought about her feelings. "What am I? Sad? Mad? Angry? Grieving?" Suddenly, it hit her. She closed the pen and stared at the white wall blankly. The whole classroom was filled with the sound of teenagers nervously writing down their feelings. Soon enough, the classroom went quiet and the teacher spoke again.

"All right. Let us all read what we have written. When I call your name, lift up the paper and tell what you're feeling. Let's start. Bella? You go first."

A girl named Bella lifted her paper.


The teacher nodded understandingly and continued calling random names. Most papers said sad or depressed or broken or confused and so on so on. Then only one name was left to call.

"Alice? Could you tell us what you're feeling."

Alice lifted her paper and the classroom got filled with whispers of people not understanding it.

"Alice, could you explain why you're paper is empty?"

"That's how I fell."

Everyone shut up and gave Alice a sympathetic look. It was hard. Losing someone you loved and everyone knew that. Losing Michael hurt the whole school but no one more then Alice. He was the love of her life. The only light in her dark world. And he may have looked like trouble and maybe he was trouble, but he was the only thing keeping her in this world. The only thing keeping her form going insane and killing herself.

"Would you like to be excused from class Miss. Bensson?"

Everyone glanced at Alice as she did the most unexpected thing. She chuckled.

"What's so funny Alice?"

"You asking if I  want to be excused from class. Like that's gonna help."

"It may help you get yourself together and give you the time to grieve. We all know this loss is very tough on you."

"Nothing's gonna change the fact that he is dead. And he will stay dead no matter if I'm here or not. But since I have the option,"

She stood up and grabbed her bag.

"then I'll rather not be here."

She stormed out of the classroom before the teacher could say anything else. She knew the loss was hard on her? Bullshit. She had no fucking idea how tough it was. Even waking up the day after his death and knowing she has more days to live and he doesn't. It wasn't fair. His life wasn't supposed to end. He was supposed to grow up into something. He had a future ahead of him. She was the one that was supposed to die. She was the one that was planning on dying. She was the one that once failed at it. How was that fair? How was it fair that she wanted to die and was somehow magically saved and he didn't want to die and he still did? The walls began to close in on her as she was walking around the school halls. The light above her started shinning too bright. It was blinding her. Her palms were sweaty and her breathing was heavier with each passing moment. Her head was banging and spinning. She didn't know where she was anymore or where she was going. She just kept walking until she heard someone call out her name.


She turned towards the voice. It was a raspy voice and it belonged to a guy for sure. Her vision was blurred from tears she didn't even know were running from her eyes. The banging in her head got louder and louder until  she just couldn't take it anymore. She fell onto the floor and everything went black.

It was Luke who called her name. He was trying to get away from class because everyone was grieving Michael and he didn't like being reminded that he was gone. Everyone was sad or broken or shit like that when they didn't even like him or really knew him. Luke did know him. Once upon a time. But even if they didn't talk much. Or at all, he was still hurt by his death. And he hated all the fake people saying how amazing he was, when just a week earlier everyone thought so bad of him. It was true. No one really cares unless you're beautiful, popular or dead. And it was sickening that Michael had to die in order for everyone to care. Luke was ditching the first period cause ever since Michael died, it was like group therapy. The teachers came up with some kind of activity that made students talk about their feelings over Michael's death or about a memory they shared with Michael and so on. It was complete bullshit, so Luke stopped attending it after two days. It didn't help anyways. Having a bunch of kids tell you how sad they are. It was only a way for everyone to try and feel better about the fact that Michael is gone and all they ever did, was being mean to him. Teachers included. So as Luke was ditching the first period, he walked around the school to get to his locker. And just as he got to it, he saw the familiar blonde stumbling the halls. He called out her name and as Alice turned around, he saw something was terribly wrong. But before he could ask or say anything, she fell onto the floor. He rushed over to her and started shaking her non responsive body.

"Help! Someone help!"

He screamed on the top of his lungs and luckily, students and teachers came rushing out of the classrooms. Luke felt like in a dream. He didn't talk to Alice much but he knew that she wasn't okay for a long time. Even before Michael's death, she wasn't all right. And people always chose to ignore it. They all, including Luke, never did anything to help her. Except for Michael. He helped her and now he was gone. Luckily someone called an ambulance and they put Alice in it. No one knew what was up with her. Luke sat in the ambulance next to Alice

"Kid you can't come with us. You're not family so you can't be here."

A pained expression crossed Luke's face.

"I found her. I-i-"

He took a deep breath.

"I need to know she'll be okay."

The paramedic didn't seem pleased but he figured Luke wasn't going to move and he had no time to argue so he closed the ambulance door and they speed drove to the hospital. Luke didn't knew Alice much at all but they both knew Michael. Very well. And because, even after all those years, he cared about Michael and he knew that Michael cared bout Alice, he somehow cared more about her then he cared about most things. He felt like Michael would need him to care for her now that he was gone. Luke's head was banging as he was looking at Alice, still not moving or responding. It was tragic really. How everyone knew she had problems and they all chose to ignore them  but if something were to happen to her, they would all suddenly be saints who always helped her. People really sucked and Luke sometimes felt ashamed of being one.

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