Part 23

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In the up coming months, Luke's days were pretty much all the same. Waking up and going to Alice's place, then being there for the rest of the day just making her feel better about herself and loving her and then at 8pm he left her house and went to Crystal's house, where there was a party every night. He didn't think much of this lifestyle. For him, his day ended when he left Alice, because he thought of Crystal's place as an escape from his life. No one, outside of the circle of party people knew he was there, so it was the perfect escape. As much as he loved Alice, he knew that the life he had with her was the life Mike was supposed to have. He knew that every passing day was just another day of Alice trying to fill the hole in her heart left by Mike, with him. He knew that no matter how much he wanted it to be, that just wasn't his life and he just wasn't Michael. So every night for him was like his life didn't exist. He drank as much as he could and smoked the shit out of everything and it was like Alice didn't exist. He flirted with a bunch of girls and hooked up with them on a daily basis and in the morning, it was like it never happened to him. To him it was like that wasn't his life and as soon as he left Crystal's house, it was like he was never there and he wasn't friends with all those people. And that worked for him for a solid month because neither Alice or Calum or Ashton had any idea what he was doing.

But then one day, Calum decided to follow Luke. As soon as Luke left Alice's house, Calum made up some excuse to follow him. He walked a little behind him and he was shook as he saw who opened the door to the house Luke knocked on. Calum knew her from Michael's stories about his bad life style and his bad choices. It was Crystal Leigh. Michael's ex and a big stoner chick. She hugged Luke and he smiled as he walked into the house. Calum's head was full of confusion and he didn't know what to do, so he went back to Alice's place, where Ashton and Alice were having a movie marathon. He walked into her room and they both stared at him confused due to why he was there. They both thought that he had left cause he had something football related but soon realized that that was a cover up for whatever Calum was up too.

"I have to tell you guys something. It's about Luke..."

Then Calum told them everything he saw and Ashton hugged Alice tightly. She was obviously upset and so was Calum. Again, Ashton didn't feel much of anything but hatred that Alice was said because of Luke. Again.

Calum and Ashton both stayed overnight because they didn't want to leave Alice alone. The next morning, they were all awakened by the sound of a doorbell.

"That's probably Luke right? I'm gonna go open it."

Calum left the room and left Alice and Ashton alone.

"Don't say anything please. I know you hate him but please don't."

Alice looked at Ashton and he nodded. He hated to make that promise to her but he knew she wolnd't be asking if it didn't mean a lot to her. And he never wanted to let her down. Ever. Slowly Luke and Calum reached Alice's bedroom where Alice was lying on Ashton's chest. As soon as Luke saw that, he was filled with rage. He knew Ashton liked Alice. It was very obvious and that made him angry. Alice was his and his only. He didn't realize at the time, how big of a hypocrite he was being and how incredibly stupid his rage was. As soon as she saw Luke, Alice sat up and so did Ashton. Alice looked at Luke and the only thing that went through Luke's brain as he saw her face was how much he loved her.

"Luke, why are you sleeping over at Crystal's every night?"

And all tho Alice's voice was calm and nice, the question hit Luke like a rock. Not just that it hit him that Alice knows, but it also hit him what he has been doing for the past moth or so. He was living a double life and he didn't even admit it to himself.

He had no answer in what so ever on that question so he just looked away from Alice and he could feel her breath slowing down. That happened every time she tried holding back the tears.

"So are you like, with her?"

"God no. I love you Alice."

And even if Alice heard that a thousand times before from Luke's mouth, he never said it in front of Ashton and Calum. Calum was just shocked and Ashton became mad. Luke hurt Alice time after time and he supposedly loved her? Now Ashton was no expert on love but he knew that this wasn't love. Or it was and Luke was just so fucked up and incapable of actually loving her that this was love to him.

"So you aren't sleeping with her or anyone else?"

Alice knew that if she asked that question, the answer she would get would be unbearably painful, but she needed to know. She was hurt way to many times to have hope about this and the way Luke looked at her, made her heart drop. All tho she thought that he was sleeping with other people, knowing it hurt like a thousand knives were stabbed into her stomach and at that point, she couldn't hold on to the tears any longer and she let them fall from her eyes. That caused Ashton to instantly hug her and look at Luke in rage. He promised Alice not to say anything but Luke was just asking to be beaten up. He was just asking for it by acting like a total jerk and as much as he hated the idea of Luke and Alice sleeping together, he hated the idea of Alice being hurt because Luke was sleeping with another worse.

"Luke I think you should go and never come back."

Calum said, not even looking at Luke. He was gravely dissapointted in Luke. He thought better of him, but apperanly, he was wrong and Ashton was right. Luke really wasn't a good guy.

"But I love Alice. I do. And I know I messed up but I'm gonna get my act back together and I'm gonna be a better friend and a better, whatever the hell I am to Alice. I'll be more like Michael just give me a chance."

The last sentence made everyone look at him. And the looks weren't nice.

"I don't know what didn't stick to your stupid little brain when Calum said go and never come back but let me translate it for you. Get the fuck out of here and never, and I mean EVER, mention Mike like that again. You are not him and you'll never be. Mike would never do this to the girl he loved. He would never do this to Alice knowing how fucked up she is no matter how he'd feel, he would put her feeling above his cause he fucking loved her! And then you asshole dare to say that you love her too? You hurt her time after time after time and somehow what? The fact that you love her was supposed to fix everything? Maybe you're just as fucked up as Alice and maybe you were good for her for a time. She filled the hole Mike's death left with you but as we all know, you are not Michael and you can stop acting like him. So before I do something I'll regret or even worse, something that's gonna get me sent to jail, get the hell out of here and if I ever see you near Alice again, I'll kill you. Do. You. Get. That?!"

Luke nodded at Ashton and then looked at Alice who just stared at him, not saying a thing.

"I do love you and I hope you find someone that will make you happy."

With that said, Luke left the house he felt so at home in, left the guys that qualified as his only true friends that didn't need to be stoned to talk to him and left the girl he loved  more than anything else in this world, because he didn't have the energy to fight. And in that moment, he didn't want to fight. If only he knew that him not even fighting for her, broke her heart more, then anything that he ever did before did.

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