Part 21

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After about two day of just hanging around with Crystal in her house and sipping on beer, Luke decided it was a good idea to go talk to Alice.

"After it, come here okay Lukey?"

Luke nodded. He knew Crystal just wanted to be a good friend but he had a feeling it was more then that. Like there was another reason she wanted him to come and he was pretty sure it had something to do with some kind of a party. He took his things and walked over to Alice's house. He felt his hand sweating as he rang the bell. He seriously hoped neither Ash or Cal were with Alice, cause he really just wanted to talk to her. Alone.

The door opened seconds later, and there stood Alice's father, who Luke had only ever seen once before.

"How can I help you young man?"

It was clear to Luke that he didn't recognise him even tho Luke probably spent more time in that house then Mr. Benson did .

"I am Alice's friend and I am wondering if she's home?"

Mr. Benson gave Luke a questionable look before letting him into the house.

"She probably is, it's not like she ever leaves the house."

Then he closed the door behind Luke and walked away. The hate Luke felt to the dude was instant, especially when he knew what kind of things he said to Alice.

Luke walked over to Alice's room and knocked on it. The door was locked, which was weird enough. Soon he heard steps moving towards the door and he saw Alice's confused face as she unlocked them.

"Luke? What are you doing here?"

Luke couldn't decide if her voice was evil kind of cold or just a hurt kind of cold. But it for sure was deadly cold.

She let him in her room and locked the door.

"I'm being serious Luke. What are you doing here? Cause like first you rage out like crazy and storm out there, then you don't call or text or even respond to anything for two days and then you just casually show up here like this is no big deal. What the hell is wrong with you?"

Alice felt tears in her eyes and she really wasn't in the mood to cry. She was angry and she knew that if she started crying, Luke would just comfort her and they wouldn't really get anywhere.

Luke on the other hand didn't know what to reply because he knew it must have been confusing for all of them when he just randomly raged out like that. And as much as he wanted to explain himself and justify all his actions, he didn't want anyone else to know about his problems with anger management, outside of the circle of people that already knew. So, instead of speaking, he just looked at the floor.

"So you have nothing to say or no actual explanation to why you acted like a total psycho? Good to know."

Alice was filled with anger and sadness and all other kinds of emotions.

"I just got mad and I was on edge and..."

"Yeah I get it. You don't have to explain."

Luke looked at her confused and saw the tears in her eyes. He didn't know what she understood but it had to be awful if it made her want to cry.

Alice took a deep breath to calm down her heartbeat and then said. Luke said that he was on edge so it was probably the fact that he didn't really like her and after they slept together he realized that. That had to be it. No other thing made sense to Alice.

Luke soon realized where Alice's mind was going all tho he really hoped it wasn't going that way.

"Alice...I am almost 100% sure that whatever you think you understand, you don't."

"So you weren't on edge because we slept together and you realized that you don't like me like that?"

By then, tears were pouring down Alice's cheeks. Luke stood up in horror and hugged Alice.

"Oh god no Ali. If anything, I  was probably on edge cause I was and still am sure that when you said you loved me, you didn't mean it. I guess I'm scared that you will never love me the way I love you because you will forever love Mike that way. And that's fine it just makes me feel like you just said that because you felt obligated to and I don't know. I guess I overthought everything and the band news just pushed me off the edge."

What Luke said wasn't true. Well it wasn't a complete lie. He did thought that Alice only said that she loved him because he said it first and she didn't want to hurt his feeling, but that wasn't even a problem. Sure, it hurt a little to think about it, but he understood the Michael situation going on in her heart and he wasn't even mad if she didn't love him the way he loved her. The only reason he raged out was truly because of the band thing and he couldn't control his rage. Like ever when it got that hard. But he couldn't let Alice find out about his problem so lying was the only option.

Alice looked up to him and met his gorgeous blue eyes.

"But I do love you."

Those were the only words she could say and the only ones Luke needed and wanted to hear. He leaned in and their lips met. That was by far the saddest and most teary kiss they shared, but neither of them really cared. As long as they had each other they were fine with tears.

They talked for some more and Luke told her about spending time with Crystal. Alice wasn't a big fan of her since ever. She always thought that Crystal was a troubled girl but she seemed to help Luke so for that, she was grateful to her.

"Speaking of Crystal, she told me to come over so I should go there now."

"Why? You can stay here."

"I promised her. I'll stay another time."

Luke gave Alice a quick kiss before walking out of her room, leaving her confused. She didn't know what to feel. On one hand, Luke made her feel special and loved and he told her he loved her and she knew he did and she knew that Crystal was just an old friend that helped him but on the other hand, Alice had the feeling there was more to the story and that Crystal wasn't like Luke presented he to be like. She seemed to nice and good for the Crystal Alice remembered. There was something off about Luke's story and about his leaving that just didn't make sense. And Alice knew, that she had to find out what because secrets ruin relationships.

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