Part 24

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Luke was walking home and tears were running down his cheeks. He couldn't believe himself. He loved Alice more then he ever loved anyone and yet he hurt her more then he ever hurt anyone before. He made so many mistakes and he was finally seeing that. Everything he was doing was beyond fucked up and he didn't even realize it then. He didn't even realize that he was going to break Alice's heart like that. Or maybe he did know but he just didn't care because he suddenly felt like he was the one that needed help.

Luke punched into a brick wall and screamed partly in physical and partly in psychic pain. A couple of confused people turned around at the loudness of his scream but none of them decided to do anything. Luke just slid down the wall and just cried. For the first time in his life, he felt so disappointed in himself and so empty and for the first time he understood how Alice felt most days before she met Mike.


The name hit Luke like a gunshot. He couldn't even imagine what Michael would do to him now if he saw what Luke had done to Alice. He remembered just after they stopped talking, how Mike had a shit tone of girlfriends all the time up until one day. That was the day he met Alice. Ever since he met her, she became the center of hi life. He wanted to help her more then anything in his life. Even before they started dating, she was the only girl he spent time with and the only reason Luke knew how much Mike actually loved Alice was because one day Luke came to school early and he overheard a conversation between Alice and Mike.


It was a shitty day for Luke. He got into a huge fight with his mother in the morning, because he came home drunk on a school night and so he just took his thing and left for school. It was 6AM and he didn't even know if school was open so early in the morning, considering the first classes started at 7.30. To his luck, it was open. He walked around the halls and kicked into random objects out of rage. He was a hundred percent sure he was alone until he heard timid voices in one of the classrooms. He looked though the window on the door and saw Michael with some girl. Probably his newest hookup buddy. He almost left but he heard something he didn't expect to hear.

"Alice, I'm being serious. You have to tell me if things ever get as bad as last night again. I'm here for you."

Luke didn't know what to think so he leaned closer to the door and started listening the conversation between his former friend and a girl apparently named Alice.

"Why are you here tho Mike?"

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"I'm asking you why are you so hellbent on saving one broken girl. You could have any girl and you did have all the girls. Everyday a different one so why'd you stop? For me? Please. I'm so fucked up I don't even care if I live or die so why do you?"

Luke was nearly shaking  outside the classroom. He saw Alice around every now and again but he never thought she was so fucked up.

"Are you for real Alice? I love you. I am in love with you and I have been since the first time I saw you on that rooftop and that means that I will fight for you no matter what."


"You don't have to say it back. I am just telling you cause you asked. And understand that you hate yourself but I'm gonna do everything I can to make you see yourself the way I see you. And that is perfect and worth it."

A small silence fell and Luke looked through the window of the door and saw them kissing. After the kiss was broken, Alice looked at Mike.

"I don't know how you did it Mikey, but you did. You made me fall in love with you."

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