Part 27

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Luke was lying on the floor, making out with Crystal when a guy named Carter parked in the driveway.

"Carter's back!"

A way to drunk Candy screamed. A little over half an hour ago to drive a guy named Ross to the hospital because he felt really sick. The cause of his sickness was mainly drinking too much on top of a food poisoning and Candy was waiting for the news on her boyfriend aka Ross, ever since. Luke sat up and waited for Carter to get into the room. As he got in, he explained that Ross had fo stay in the hospital for observations. Then he walked over to Luke and crystal and told them a thing he didn't want to tell everyone.

"Luke I have to tell you something."

Crystal looked at Luke worried and then signed Carter to start talking.

"As I was waiting for the news on Ross, I saw a woman standing there and she was asking something about her niece. I started listening and well...apparently her niece is Alice and she tried to commit suicide."

Luke gasped and tears came into his eyes.

"Is she going to be okay?"

"Thats the thing Luke. They don't think she's going to make it. It's pretty critical."

By that point, Luke was crying like crazy. He couldn't control the flow of tears that was dripping from his eyes. It was his fault. He knew it had to be bad since she called him but he still didn't answer. He could prevent it and now she was going to die.

"What did she do?"

He asked on between sobs and tried stopping the tears.

"I really wouldn't..."

Carter tried to get out if but Crystal gave him a death stare.

"I asked what did she do!"

Luke yelled and most heads in the room turned to him. Crystal motioned them all that they should continue whatever they were doing and so they did.

"I don't know exactly but as much as I could get out, she took some pills and she lost a lot of blood so she..."

"She cut her veins-"

Luke's voice broke. The awful thing was, he was able to imagine it. The way she cried when she slid her wrists and drifted off to an endless sleep. He could imagine her bloddy wrists because he saw them so many times before and he was always there. He said he was always going to be there.

"I-i need some air."

"I'll come with you."

Crystal wanted to follow Luke but he just brushed her off.

"Don't even."

She sat back down and looked at him worried as he walked outside. She knew she was the one that made him not answer the phone but she was so selfish she didn't even care what could happen then. And now the girl might die because of her and her interfering.

Luke walked around the streets and cried. He made Alice try to kill herself.  It was his fault. If only he answered she might have still been okay. He walked like that until he found himself in front of the school. He didn't know what he was doing there but he just wondered off around it and found a staircase that was unlocked. He walked up it and ended up on the rooftop. The rooftop Alice wanted to throw herself from before meeting Mike. The rooftop Luke and Mike used to smoke themselves to the point that they were sick. It was also the rooftop Alice and him once went to talk when they started hanging out. He remembered the day like it was yesterday. The morning was warm for a February day and they didn't feel like being in class so they went up there. They sat in the center and talked for a long time, mostly about their happy memories with Mike and that was the day Luke realized that Mike was the luckiest person alive to have her as a girlfriend. That was the day Luke slowly began to realize that he was falling for her as well. But he didn't want it back then.

Luke sat at the edge of the rooftop and looked down. It was very high and he could feel himself slowly becoming dizzy. All tho he was shook to the core about Alice, he was still very drunk and too high to think clearly. As he looked down he tried to imagine Alice standing there with every intention to throw herself off of it one day. He could see it and he felt like the ground was just calling him to do the same thing she tried to do.

"She's dead because of you."

That sentence rang over and over and over in Luke's head. He loved her. He loved her so much and yet every single desicion that he made, hurt her more then anyone ever has. He was responsible for so much pain in her life and all tho he helped her at the begging, he was just furtherly destroying her because he was selfish and he wanted to escape the life he chose to live. He chose to help her becaus he knew that Mike would want him too. He knew that Mike would want someone to help the girl he loved and he knew that if Mike knew how he felt about her, he would want him to help her. But somewhere along the way, he forgot that she was tho one that needed help. Sure, Luke wasn't in a perfect mental state but he was in a far better one then Alice was and he forgot that. And for that, he won't ever forgive himself. She was dead and it was on him and even if everyone would say that it wasn't, Luke knew that it was. He knew that he was the only one that could prevent it from happening and even tho he had a bad feeling when she called him earlier that night, he decided his fun was more important then her life. And now she was dead. Because he chose himself. He promised her. He promised her that no matter what, he was always going to be there for her and he couldn't even pick up the phone. He was responsible for the death of the love of his life. He didn't love her for long but he loved her more then anyone before her. She was special an Luke would do anything for her. He knew that. But in the past months, he sucked at showing her that. He made her feel like he didn't care anymore and then her words flew to his head.

"At one point, he became the reason I wasn't dead and I knew that if he stopped caring, there would be nothing tying me to this world anymore and I would be dead sooner rather then later."

She told him that on that same rooftop. It was about Mike and he knew that after his death, she built a maybe not as strong, but still a very strong bond to Luke. And he felt sick to his stomach that it was just now that he realized that. That she had to die in order for him to figure out that now he was reason for existence and he let her down. She qa dead because of him. She was dead because of him. Because of him...

Luke took out his phone and started writing a text to Alice. He knew she was probably never going to see it but he hoped that maybe a miracle would happen. He hoped that maybe she would wake up all tho she was dead. When he finished that, he wrote a text to Ashton and Calum. The text said:

"It's my fault she's dead. I know that and I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything I did and even more I'm sorry for ever entering your lives. You'll be better of now. I promise."

He pressed send and wrote a text to Crystal.

"Thank you for everything. You're amazing and you deserve the world. I hope you'll be happy."

As he sent that he wanted to finish but felt the urge to send one more text to Alice.

"I love you. I always have and I always will. Never forget that."

As he pressed the send button, he felt a huge burden lifted of his chest. He told everyone everything he wanted. He then threw the phone off the edge of the rooftop and wanted until he heard a smash on the floor. The roof was high enough. He stood up and looked down. The girl he loved was dead because of him. How could he live with that?

Answer: he couldn't. He took a deep breath and stepped into thin air and felt himself falling and falling....

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