Part 4

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The day after, Alice came to school very early. She was supposed to stay home due to the hospital visit the previous day, but her parents thought that she was okay enough to go to school. Because of that, she came to school as early as possible. She hated her parents and they probably hated her too. They were this upper class rich parents. They cared more about what others said then about their kids. They wanted to be this picture perfect family. And Alice's brother and sister were the perfect kids for that kind of family. They both looked like angels and they acted as ones also. They were obedient and good and just overall perfect kids. So Alice's parents could have their perfect family if only she wasn't there. And they loved reminding her of that. That's why Alice spent as much time as she could in school all tho she hated it with all her heart. That day, she didn't feel like going to the library like all the other days, so she walked the halls instead. No one was at school yet and there was absolutely nothing to do besides walking around or sitting somewhere. As she was walking around, she was thinking  about how many times she has done the exact same thing before. How many days before she hated her life like that day and all she wanted to do was end it. But somehow something stopped her. Usually tha something was Michael, but he was dead now. Now, Luke was stopping her. There was just something in his words and in the way he wanted to help her all tho there was noting in it for him that made her push those suicidal thoughts away. Just as she was thinking of Luke a memory creeped it's way inside her thoughts.


"Oh come on Mike. It's just a stupid party. No one is going to miss you if we skip it."

Alice's eyes were practically begging Micheal to change his mind. Why was he even so keen on going to this stupid party anyways? It wasn't like any of his friends were going.

"We can be there just a minute. I just really need to go Ali. Please?"

Michael was basically pleading and so Alice gave in.

"Fine but I want to know why."

"Why what?"

"Don't play dumb Mike. I know this is more then just about the party so spill."

Alice's look was burning trough Michael. He wasn't able to lie to her. Ever. She always knew when he was lying and yet, he had do make it work this time.

"A former friend of mine will be there and there's something I promised him I need to do."

Alice raised her eyebrow. He wasn't being very specific.

"Trust me baby. It's important and it's also a secret."

He kissed her and she just rolled her eyes. She did trust him and she knew that he would tell her if something was wrong. If he said it was a secret she had to respect that. As much as she hated not knowing what he was talking about.

Later that day they drove to the stupid party. Alice didn't know who was hosting it but Michael did. She didn't waste her breath on asking  him cause she know she'd get a vague answer. Apparently this was about something from Michael's past he wasn't ready to share. Alice understood that. There were quite some things she didn't tell him herself.

"Wanna wait here? I'm just gonna be a sec."

His green eyes were sparkling in the timid moonlight. He wanted her to wait in the car. Of course he did.

"Sure. Just hurry up babe."

He gave her a quick kiss on the lips and smiled.

"I would never keep you waiting, Thanks."

Alice understood that the thanks was for more then just waiting in the car. It was for not asking any questions he wasn't ready to answer just yet. In his eyes, she was the most amazing person for being so understanding. He closed the car door and walked towards a guy. Alice followed him with a look and examined the guy. He was taller then Michael. He was blond and had that weird quiff that seemed to be so popular these days. That was all Alice was able to make out n the dark of the night and also because the dude had his hood up. As much as Alice tried, she couldn't think off anyone that he could be.

~end of flashback~

Her thought process was interrupted by none other then Luke Hemmings.

"Hey Alice. What are you doing here so early?"

Alice turned around and met his blue eyes looking at her. He had his black hood up and he was looking at Alice with a look that was a mixture of worry and curiosity. Alice instantly connected the dots to who Michael was meeting that night. Now she was filled with curiosity.

"Avoiding my parents. You?"

If there was one thing Alice hated, was small talk. Luke noticed her reluctant answer.

"Same actually."

An uncomfortable silence fell. Luke didn't know what to ask and Alice didn't know how to ask what she wanted to ask.

"Well I'll go now. See ya in class Alice."

He started walking away. Being friends with Alice will certainly take some time and it was foolish of him to expect that she would be head over hills abut seeing him after knowing him for a day. He expected her to let him walk away, but she grabbed his shoulder which took Luke my surprise so he flinched a little. 

"I wanna ask you something. Can we go somewhere more private?"

All tho the hallway they were standing in was empty, it could fill up with students at any time. So they moved to the closest door and luckily they were opened. It was a biology classroom. Alice sat on a table and Luke sat on one opposite from her. The uncomfortable silence was there once again. Alice didn't know how to form the right question and Luke didn't want to push her. After a couple of minutes Alice sighted and said fuck it.

"How did you know Mike?"

The question was very straight forward and it surprised Luke for a second.

"Well we used to be very good friends. We were best friends actually when we were like fifteen or sixteen."

"And what did you need him for like six months ago?"

Luke furrowed his eyebrows and then remembered what Alice was talking about. But how did she even knew about that. Michael said he won't tell her anything. He promised that was one secret that will stay between them forever. Anger started filling Luke up. Alice noticed the sudden tension in Luke.

"How do you even know about that? He said he won't tell you."

Luke was gritting his teeth. He had some anger management problems.

"Chill out. He didn't tell me anything I just remember you talking to him. I didn't know it was you till like today. I just wanna know what was it about because Mike didn't tell me a thing-"

"Well you should mind your own business. If your boyfriend didn't tell you what makes you think I will?"

"I don't know. I just-"

"You just what? Wanted to know everything about Mike? If he didn't tell you he had a good reason for it."

"Luke I'm sorry if I said something-"

"Just drop it. Doesn't even matter. Just leave the things that have nothing to do with you alone."

With that, Luke took his bag and walked out of the classroom. His anger completely shook Alice. She had no idea he had any kind of anger problems and him just snapping at her like that was the last thing Alice expected him to do.

Meanwhile Luke was splashing water in his face in the bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror. His eyes were still full of rage but there was a hint of guilt in them as well. Alice had no idea it was such a touchy subject for him. And he had no right just blowing up like that. She already had so many problems on her own. She didn't need his crap on the top of all. And just a day ago he said he was going to help her and now, at the first real question she asked, he totally snapped and probably made her hate him. "Great...I'm doing just great at helping her..."

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