Part 22

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Luke walked over to Crystal's place very unsure of what he was walking into. As soon as he saw the house, he knew, a party was going on. For a moment, he thought about texting Crystal he couldn't make it, but he changed his mind. He wanted to party a little and he was kind of hoping that Crystal still had the same friend group as in high school, because her friends were hella fun.

He knocked on the door, and a familiar face opened. It was Luke's ex girlfriend Candy.

"Luke? O my god! I haven't seen you in ages!"

She hugged him, and a bit surprised Luke hugged her back. They were together at the same time that Crystal and Mike were. Candy and Crystal were basically the girls, Mike and Luke dated so that they could get stoned, and Candy and Crystal did not mind that. After Mike and Crystal broke up, so did Luke and Candy and they haven't spoken since. So seeing her there, shocked Luke up a bit.

"Candy? What are you doing here?"

Luke stepped into the house and a familiar sent of weed and alcohol filled up his nose. Candy closed the door behind him and then smiled at him.

"Crystal organized a party and she said she had a surprise but I would have never guessed that the surprise guest was you Lukey."

It was quite obvious that she was very high. Luke smiled at her and followed her into the room packed up with people he remembered from what seemed like a lifetime ago.


It was a cold night and Luke and Michael were walking towards the house, Luke has never been in.

"You sure it's okay that I come with you? I mean...she's your girlfriend and all..."

"Come on Luke. Of course. It's gonna be a party after all and I know she will love you."

The smirk Mike had on his face, made Luke feel a little uncomfortable, but he just went with it cause he trusted Mike.

They walked over to a small house near the graveyard and Luke got instant chills. The house had only one floor and it was this weird dirty white color. It had lots of windows but they were all covered up with dark curtains so that only dim light shone trough them.

They walked to the front door and Michael knocked. By then Luke was able to smell the weed and alcohol and he heard the music playing in the house. Moments later, a girl opened and Michael kissed her. After a second Luke realized that it was Crystal. He saw her around the school but that was about it. She smiled and looked over to him.

"Hi, I'm Crystal and you must be Luke."

She offered him a hand and he shook it and smiled at her. She seemed nice enough for a stoner chick and she was, no doubt, very hot. They followed her inside and Luke examined the house. It wasn't really clean and there were cigarettes everywhere but other then that, it seemed nice. They walked into a room full of people sitting everywhere and talking while smoking or drinking. They didn't even notice them until Crystal turned off the music and coughed. Then they all turned around to them and Luke felt very nervous under the judging looks everyone gave him.

"So everyone, this is Luke, Mike's best friend. He's gonna be spending a lot of time here."

They all raised their bottled and cheered on what Crystal said. Then they all went to doing whatever they were doing before the announcement. Luke sat down and soon a girl approached him. He saw her around the school before but he didn't know who she was. She had very fair skin and platinum blonde hair with blue tips. Her eyes were dark green and her face looked like a face of a sweet, little, innocent girl. But since she was there, she wasn't as innocent as she looked.

"Hi, I'm Candy."

Luke smile and introduced himself. They immediately clicked and they started talking about everything. Alongside talking, they were drinking beer and smoking weed and doing shot after shot of vodka.

"I really like you Lukey. You're fun."

Candy said, when her head was resting on Luke's shoulder. She looked up at him and smiled. Luke looked at her cute, poky lips. She noticed the look, and bit her lower lip and dropped her eyes to Luke's lips. Then, instantly, she was sitting in his lap, legs around his waist, and they were making out. Ever since then, they dated and did that every time Luke and Mike were over at Crystal's. Candy, Crystal, Mike and Luke became the the most inseparable people and they were spending every waking moment together, getting high and drunk. And so Crystal's friends became also Luke's friends.

~end of flashback~

Luke looked around the place, and the scene playing there was just like the first time he entered that room. No one noticed him until Candy coughed and they all looked over. This time, Luke didn't feel nervous cause he knew all of them. There were Samuel and Tina, who were together since before Luke even met them and they were, as Luke noticed, apparently still together. Then there was Crystal sitting next to Brad and Lily. Brad and Lily were twins and they were both Crystal's best friends since the beginning of time because they were neighbors even before Crystal moved away from her parents. Then on the opposite end of the room, stood Alaska. She was the meanest yet the most caring person in the room. Luke never talked to her much because Candy didn't like her, but Mike did and Luke knew that Alaska cared about him a lot too. And then finally, there were Sabrina, Thomas, Leo and Luna who were just there and Luke hung out with them a lot because Leo was Candy's best friend.

All of them were looking at Luke and they started smiling. Like, all of them. It was like no time has passed and Luke felt like that too. They were exactly like they were years ago when Luke saw them for the last time. 

"So this is the surprise. Our dearest Lukey is back!"

Crystal shouted and they all cheered before walking over to him and hugging him. Luke felt like in heaven. He never realized how much he missed all of those people until the moment he saw them again.

The night was full of catching up and talking about the past and reliving memories. Luke even got a chance to talk to Alaska alone. She was really sad about Mike dying but she was doing fine otherwise. The night continued beautifully. Before 1am, they were all high as fuck and drunk as hell. That was the time Luke sat down alone and Crystal sat next to him.

"So how are you liking the party Lukey?"

Luke smiled and looked at her.

"It's amazing. Brings back so many amazing memories."

Crystal smiled back and nodded.

"Yeah I agree. I mean, we have this kind of parties often but this one is special cause you're here. It just reminds me of the times when our lives were easier."

Luke nodded. All tho he was now the age some of the people were the time Luke met them, his life was more complicated also. A lot ha happened.

"But it's not just a party you know? It's also a way for you to escape your reality for a while."

Now Crystal wasn't smiling and she was just looking at Luke with her big blue eyes. Luke smiled and looked at Crystal. The moment went on and on and on...And in the mean time, Luke's head was exploding with thoughts. He was thinking about his life three and more years ago and then he was thinking about how he loved escaping from his actual life and actual problems and all the people in it and he also thought about how gorgeous Crystal was and how he always thought that. He always thought that she was super hot and she was also an amazing friend but in that moment, he could just focus on how unbearably hot she was and how perfect her lips were. With a lot of alcohol in his blood weed in his head he leaned in and pressed his lips onto hers. She didn't resist and the kiss lasted for quite some time, before Crystal moved away and said:

"What about Alice?"

"I am escaping from my life remember?"

Crystal liked the answer a lot because kissing Luke was something she wanted to do since she found him punching the wall. She smiled and they started making out intensely and only they will ever know what happened that night.

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