Part 15

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Some people may call it unhealthy or not okay but Luke and Alice's relationship would be best described as friends with benefits. When they were alone they acted like a couple and when in public, they were best friends. Sort off. Ashton freaked when he saw them together again, but Calum reminded him, that it was Alice's life and she decided who she wanted in it.

Alice and Luke spent most days at Luke's house, where Luke was giving Alice guitar lessons. She was horrible at first, but she got better overtime. And every once in a while, she even sang for Luke, which made him really happy cause her voice was like listening to angels to Luke. While she was singing, she often thought of Michael.


"You do know you have an amazing voice right?"

Michael was lying on Alice's couch as she was singing some song she wrote, that he found absolutely incredible.

"You're just saying that cause I'm your girlfriend and you don't want to hurt my feelings. I know I suck at both songwriting and singing."

It broke Michael's each and every time how Alice couldn't take one simple compliment without thinking it was a lie. That's how low self esteem she had. He sat up straight and looked her seriously.

"Alice I am being serious. You sound incredible and if I could, I would listen to you singing all day every day. That's how good you are. And as for the songwriting, I am thinking of hiring you as my songwriter when Calum, Ashton and I finally make a band."

It was Michael's dream since he was little, being in a band with his best friends and as he met Ashton and Calum, those dreams became more and more clear and real.

"So are you making a band any time soon?"

Alice changed the subject from herself onto Michael, thinking Michael didn't notice it. He did, but he went with it cause he knew Alice wasn't going to believe him no matter how many times he would repeat it.

"We just need to find a place to practice and then we're all set."

Alice smiled at Michael's excitement. She knew that his biggest dreams were to be in a band with his best friends. And not just any best friends. He wanted to be in  a band with Ash and Cal. That was his biggest wish ever since they met, that was all he could talk about, regarding him and his music.

"I'm so happy for you. All three of you."

Michael walked over to her and started kissing her.

"And maybe if you learn the guitar, you can join the band. But you need to practice it. Like for real."

"I will I just don't think I've got enough talent to play an instrument."

"Bullshit Alice. You are very talented you just need to practice."

He sat back down and motioned Alice to come over to him.

"Come here. We're starting your practice now."

Alice rolled her green eyes at Michael and reluctantly walked over to him where he then pulled her into his lap and kissed her cheek. He took the guitar and put it in Alice's hands. Then he started teaching the guitar. But more then the guitar, Alice was fascinated by Michael and his love for music and guitar. It was his biggest dream to be in a band and on stage and to be honest, it was her dream too. She wanted to sing and share her music with people but she was too scared of what people might say and that she wasn't good enough so she never mentioned it to anyone. And all tho she never said it out loud, Michael knew about her dreams and wanted to make them come true. Maybe even more then he wanted to make his own dreams come true because if there was anything he loved more then music, it was Alice.

~end of flashback~

Alice just sat there and held the guitar while Luke was looking at her.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing. Just Micheal."

Most guys would probably freak if the girl they liked would be thinking about her ex while spending time with them but Luke knew that she was never going to stop loving Michael. He was her first love and probably her one true love that was taken from her by a horrible car accident. She was never going to get over him and Luke knew that. Michael saved her life more then once and she loved him more then anything and Luke was just happy that she shared things with him. He knew that she liked him now. Probably not as much as she liked Michael, but she certainly cared about him a lot and that was enough for him.

"Right I remember Mike and his endless love for music. You were probably the only thing he loved more then it actually."

A blush formed on Alice's face as she looked to the floor.

"I'm pretty sure music meant everything to him."

"Yeah and you meant more. Trust me on this. He loved you more then anything else in this world."

Alice's eyes watered but she didn't let the tears flow from them. She knew that thinking about Mike wasn't fair to Luke but she couldn't forget him and all the memories he gave her. And she was thankful to Luke for being so understanding and loving as he was. She certainly cared about him very deeply and she knew that he did for her as well.

"So what about you and music?"

"I don't know. I always wanted to be a famous rock star but I never really played any instrument. Then Mike made me love guitar and the dream became more and more surreal. But it's just that. A dream."

"What about forming a band? Mike wanted to form one with Ash and Cal."

"I don't think Ashton would like that. Neither would Calum. And besides. I've got you and I can live without being a famous musician. You're the one with the talent after all."

Alice shook her head in disagreement.

"I think you're much better."

"And you know what I think? I think you don't know how to take compliments."

He walked over to Alice and kissed her. She kissed him back and he smiled at her.

"You are a good guitar player, an amazing songwriter and an even better singer. Now just don't say anything and take the compliments cause you need to learn how to love yourself and believing in yourself is one of the most important steps."

Alice just smiled weakly as Luke sat back down and told her to go from the top.

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