Part 3

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Couple hours later, Alice was discharged from the hospital. She got the tube and the doctors ordered her to eat and gave her all kinds of examples of people who died from eating disorders. They knew that giving her examples of people dying won't help her considering she was suicidal, but it was the protocol and they had to tell her that. After they were done, Alice left the hospital with Luke. He stayed with her and insisted on walking her home. The parents were supposed to pick their kids up in cases like this one, but hers were sick of doing that so they let her walk home on her own. They were sick of all the problems she caused.

"Aren't your parents supposed to be here for you?"

"They stopped giving a shit after the fifth time I was hospitalized."

Luke found that awful. The fact that she was hospitalized so many times already gave him chills and the fact that her parents did nothing to help her, made him so mad he wanted to slap them in the face.

"Do you have anything that helps with all this problems you have?"

"I had Mike. And he's dead. So no."

Luke mentally punched himself for asking her that.

"Look Alice,"

He took her ice cold hand.

"I want to help."

She laughed and took her hand out of his.

"Why? Do you have to much free time or not enough problems on your own?"

That hurt Luke. He had his own problems just not as lethal as hers.

"No I just genuinely want to help you. You can't deny the fact that you need help."

Alice shook her head. He was so delusional. She wanted to die and not feel the pain she felt everyday anymore. The only reason she was still here was Michael. She loved him so much and now he was dead and there was nothing keeping her here anymore. Nothing and no one could change that.

"You can't help me Luke. No one can."

"Well I'm not giving up."

That sentence gave Alice a huge throwback to a very dear memory.


"What's up Ali?"

His voice was soft and gentle. Like always when he said the name of the girl he loved. Alice's eyes were red from crying so much and Michael leaned in and hugged her. There was nothing better he could have done. After just sobbing into his T shirt for awhile, Alice finally spoke.

"I don't think that therapy is helping anymore."

She rolled up her sleeve and a pained expression crossed Michael's face. Her arms were covered in cuts. Cuts that were so deep they nearly exposed the bone.

"Shh come here Ali."

She fell into his arms, once again and tears ran down her cheeks. She was ashamed of her boyfriend seeing her like this. All sad and broken when she had him and he was the most wonderful human being alive. Michael tried so hard to be strong for her but seeing her bloody arms was too much for him. He broke down, tears running down his cheeks. He knew she only did that for him. If she wasn't with him, she would have tried killed herself immediately when feeling this down. But she tried staying alive for him.

"Let's put some bandages on that and then we can watch a movie. Sounds good?"

Michel's voice was broken and Alice just nodded. He carried her to the bathroom where he bandaged her arm.

"Why are you even with me Mike? The only thing I bring you is trouble and worry. You deserve so much more."

"I love you Alice. I love you with all your problems and troubles and I will do everything to help you. Forever."

With that said, he carried her onto he bed where they were supposed to watch a movie. He put her down and started kissing her. She put her arms around his neck and kissed him back passionately. They were making out for some time, each kiss being filled with tears as they both cried. They were both so broken and yet they fit together so perfectly as if all their pieces were meant for one another.

"I'm not giving up."

Michael said in between kissing her, as she slowly pulled his shirt up. As broken as they were, they loved each other and not despite of their problems, but more because of all their problems. They both had their own problems but they tried so hard to fix the other one because both of them believed, that the other one deserved the world.

~end of flashback~


Alice woke up from daydreaming of that broken yet perfect memory.


"I thought I lost you there for a second."

Alice interrupted Luke with 5 unexpected words.

"Thank you for everything Luke."

Luke was shocked. Not only did she thank him, her voice wasn't as cold as it usually was.

"No- um- no problem. What is the sudden bust of gratitude about?"

She smiled. And not sarcastically or mean or whatever. Her mouth really turned into a smile. A smile that showed dimples in her cheeks. Luke was stunned at how someone so broken can look like an angel thrown form heaven.

"I don't know. I just want you to know that I am tankful for everything that you've done for me today. You showed that you care about me even tho you don't even know me."

"Honestly...I just thought that Michael would have wanted me to help you. I know it sounds weird but he was just so keen on helping you and I know he would want someone to still help you."

Alice's face filled with pain at the mention of Michael's name. He was so alive in her memories and Luke just reminded her of the painful truth that he was gone and never coming back. Her dark thought cloud was creeping it's way back into Alice's mind.

"I know you are in pain because I know I am and for you it must be unbearably hard. I can't even begin to imagine what you're feeling so I won't tell you I know how you feel. Nor will I tell you give it time or it'll get better with time cause let's face it. It won't get better you will only find a way to live with the pain. You loved him and he died. You will never be able to forget that but believe me, I knew Michael once. I knew him very well and I know he would want you to live and to try. He spend all the time of you two being together helping you and he wouldn't want you to give up because he's dead. So try for him. Make him proud and show him that your love for him didn't die with his death."

Luke's words were wise above anything else and they touched Alice's soul the way only Michael's have before. They made her want to give life another chance and to fight for life because it will be over once. Until then, she had to at least try. Michael didn't deserve to die so it would be incredibly mean from her to go and kill herself. He didn't want to die and neither should she. He wasn't here anymore but she was and she should treasure that because Michael fought so hard to keep her here it would be a crime to kill herself. She slowly nodded and took Luke's phone and put her number in it.

"If you really meant what you said, you're gonna need that."

Alice smiled timidly while Luke's face literally lit up like a Christmas tree. She was willing to give him a chance at helping her an he wasn't planning on wasting it.

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