Chapter 1 ☹︎

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☹︎ ☹︎ ☹︎It had been over a year and a half  since Billie had last seen November

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It had been over a year and a half since Billie had last seen November. It was now nearly the middle of December, and around this time of year Billie and November alike always got sad.

A year and a half almost two years prior November and Billie had came to a decision. That it was best if they not be together anymore, not because they didn't love each other. That wasn't the case.

Well more like Billie cane to a decision.

It was because they never seen each other, and I mean never. Embers career was taking off, and soon, they were both touring at the same time on different sides of the world.

One couldn't text the other, knowing that they were in different time zones. So one day, the week after there 10 month, they had a short talk on the phone.

Billie couldn't keep it together, she had even started crying at one of her shows, resulting in her running off stage. They believed it was for the best though. They were at different places in life.

They loved each other, but like adults they knew that not being around your partner barely at all was no way of loving someone. It wasn't fair to neither of them.

So from then on, after they broke up. Billie and ember both swore to each other they would never date someone unless they had the time.

Realistically, Billie hadn't dated anyone is almost two years because she didn't want no one else. She knew that her and November would never be together again. Which made her sad, sadder then she had ever been.

Life was good for her though besides that. She had new songs coming out, she finally ended her tour and wouldn't go on another one for a year. Life was staring to settle down, and she liked that.

Billie always looked at embers instagram account, making sure she was okay. And that she was doing alright, but she isn't going to lie to herself. She also wanted to see if she was with someone else.

And then one day out of thin air, ember disappeared, without a trace that is. Her management company didn't even know where she went, her friends didn't, and even her family.

It had been well over seven months since then, and ember was still not active. People were still always commenting on her posts, begging her to come back. But it never worked.

Even some speculated that she was dead, and that's why the management company never said anything about her, just so they could figure things out and release it at the best time.

That thought messed with billies head, she didn't want ember to be gone. Not at all.

It had been almost two years, and she thought that it was stupid that she was still hung on her. She just wanted to move on, but at the same time she didn't. She just always wanted ember.

But she knew she could never have her.








"Ready to go?" Finneas questioned standing from my hotel doorway. I nodded my head, slipping my bag over my shoulder as I got off the bed.

I was glad to be done with touring, as much as I love my fans and all that shit. Being gone from home for months wasn't fun.

I pre recorded around 4 songs, so for the next year. I should be good, and I should be able to relax.

Yesterday I was complaining that I couldn't sleep with Finneas's wack ass driving, so we stopped at a hotel literally 20 minutes from my house.

But like I couldn't sleep, and a bitch has to fucking sleep sometimes.

As we get in the car, Finneas starts talking shit about how I was being petty about yesterday. And I yelled at him about how I couldn't deal with my head being smashed into a window every 2 minutes.

The ride was silent, at least talk wise. Finneas played his music on the radio while I just listened to my headphones.

We got in the house, when we did me and Finneas carried our stuff in, and within 10 minutes I was out.


I walked the street keeping my head low, and in a beanie so no one could tell it was me. It was late, and not many people were around, but still. If one fan sees me hundreds of them will show up.

Tonight, I just wanted peace. So I decided to walk to an coffee shop. Shit they aren't really my thing, but trying something new might be good.

On my way, I walk past embers apartment complex. I wonder if she still lives there, she always talked about wanting to move into something bigger.

I start to think it's a bad idea , going to this coffee shop. Or anywhere really. The coffee shop is called 'Cassie's coffee' and it's one November use to go to all the time.

Fuck why am I thinking about her so much.

I shake my thoughts, walking into the shop is see there isn't anyone but a girl on the other side of the shop doing whatever, and a older women at the counter.

I order my drink, talking to the nice women a little while she prepares it. Once She's done she hands it back to me, smiling.

I sit down in a booth, just looking through Instagram. I look over to the girl, seeing the back of her head all I see is that she has black hair, her phones in hand. And I see a some type of red looking book sitting in front of her.

I shrug it off, remembering how much ember use to read, how I loved watching her do it. And how t was hilarious when she would rant about the endings.

I look back to my phone, a notification pops up on the top of my screen of an account I didn't even know I had on.

Embercole posted a photo 26 min ago swipe to see.

I tap on it, confused. She hasn't posted in over half a year and now she is.

❤️ Shawnmendes, finnwolfhardofficial and 2,736,972 others have liked this photo 💬 Ember Cole: hey guys

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❤️ Shawnmendes, finnwolfhardofficial and 2,736,972 others have liked this photo
💬 Ember Cole: hey guys. You probably didn't expect my first post in over half a year be a picture of a red journal but yeah. I just want to let you guys know that I'm not missing, and I'm not dead. But I Might not be coming back to the music industry anytime soon. I hope you guys understand. I love you all sincerely - ember ❤️

My eyes furrow. No way. No fucking way. I look up, to the girl on the other side of the coffee shop. I stand up slowly, walking over I stand behind her for a minute just looking.

I gulp, trying to not die right on the spot. Taking one leap of faith I open my mouth to speak.



My Girl ☹︎ Billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now