Chapter 15 ☹︎

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I take a deep breath in, hearing the faint footsteps coming from downstairs I push it back to be nothing but my imagination. Until my door is swung open and a very tired, yet angry looking nay rushes towards me.

"Okay, why in the bloody hell is Billie sleeping, downstairs on the couch" she angrily whispers.

"Things happened, she just slept on the couch no big deal. Please don't give her any shit" I say to her. She pulls back swiftly, eyes wide her mouth drops open.

"Oh my god did you sleep with her last night - oh my god'' she says, the words spilling out her mouth.

I open my eyes more, pushing my body off the mattress I look at her stupidly. "Nay, you know that didn't happen," I say to her. Her eyebrows furrow, and then she hands her head lower.

"I'm sorry, sometimes I forget- I really didn't mean to," she says, guilt is laced in her voice. I shake my head, yawing I get up from the bed.

"Its okay nay, no harm done. It's not unusual that people forget things"  I say.

She smiles silently, following me down the stairs I walk toward the kitchen. I throw my hair up in a sloppy bun, walking past the couch, I see Billie on her phone. "Oh, so you did have your phone" I chuckle.

She looks at me, her cheeks illuminating with a pale pink color. "Oh uh, yeah. But he hasn't been answering any of my texts..." she says, looking down at here phone confusingly.

"Well it's early I think," I say, looking at the clock. It reads as 6:12 am. "Yeah hella goddamn early" I laugh.

"Want some cereal?" I ask. She nods her head and smiles shyly.

"Nay want some eggs and bacon?" I yell to her. "Yes please!" she screeches back.


I place the last egg on Nay's plate, putting the pan in the sink I yawn tiredly. "Aren't you hungry?" Nay asks.

I just shrug my shoulders at her. "Sorta, I'm more tired though," I say, as I start to wash the dishes. Within a few minutes, nay is done and tries to grab the sponge from me.

"Go to sleep, seriously you seem tired," she says. I smile and back away.

"Okay okay" I breath out. I turn around and start to walk away, but before I walk into the living room something on the counter catches my eye.

Almost under Nay's purse, something shiny catches my attention. I get a little closer and make it out to be something I never expect.

"Sunshine" is written on the necklace, one that violet had told me her mom had gotten custom made for her when she turned 18, and her mom had gotten a matching one.

My Girl ☹︎ Billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now