chapter 12 ☹︎

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"Oh oh well guess I'll see you in hell!" I screamed as I dug through my closet. I heard my front door open, the door creaking as it suddenly slams.

"I hear you across the street you thot!" Nay screams. I burst out in laughter, not really being able to contain it.

I run to my speakers, turning up the volume. I run out into the living room, seeing nay sitting near the couch, her hands on her hips as she stares at me. Her curly brown hair surrounds her face framing her big brown eyes perfectly.

"Oh well, oh well.
I can't live with myself as I'm climbing in your window to get to your bed.
And I'll be what you need,
You can call me anything
Just as long as we're still friends." i scream once more.

Her hands on her hip, her face slightly unreadable. "What are you going to put on next? Blink 182?" she questions. My hand taps the next button, and the music starts to plau.

I start to twirl around the room, my hands flailing around. "Hello thereeee the angel from my nightmare, the shadow in the background of the morgue. The unsuspecting victim, of darkness in the valleyyy" i feel something hit my head. I turn and look down at the ground, to see a pillow. I pick it up and run over to hit her, we fight until i hear her yell.

"Where are you and im so sorryyyy i can not sleep i Can not dream tonight, i need someone and always this sick strange darkness" i starts to laugh. Falling onto the couch.

We both start to scream at the same time "don't waste your time on me you're already the voice inside me headdd" we scream out, at this point my stomach hurts and burns like hell, but right now something so minor is so funny to me.

"Okay time to get ready we have dinner with my date in two hours" she says to me. I chuckle, glancing up at the ceiling.

"We don't have anything in two have a date in two hours. Speaking of which, how did you even meet this person?" i ask.

"A dating site"

"Which is."

"Called faceless love" she mumbles.

"Why" i ask.

"Because it doesn't go by pictures it goes by similar interests" she mumbles.

I've known nay for not so long time almost two and a half years, but man i never really expected this out of her. Nay has not always been, shallow per say. She just liked to enjoy looking at the persons face. She had been all giddy for the last almost month and a half. Of course she never mentioned it to me just because i had stopped seeing violet.

In fact though now that i know, it doesn't bother me. Sure i had liked violet, she was sweet she listened she was gorgeous. Something to me atleast was missing though. I didnt long to be with her, i really didn't want to spend a- lot of time with her. Mostly because whenever we did something, no matter what it was billie always crossed my mind.

She always invaded my thoughts at the worst time,not even kidding you. She was always on my mind, and still for some reason is. That night that we met eyes at the award show changed everything, i really realized in that moment, i would never totally be over billie. First loves i've been told are always the hardest to deal with.

I have always been told because they were your first everything, and everyone after that is always going to be compared to the one that was originally there. I didn't want to do that to violet, especially if i knew i'm not capable of loving her.

Nay stands in front of me. A silky red dress falls on her body, silver strappy heels lace her feet. Her hair is poofed out with all the curly goodness, and her face is beautifully painted with a minimal but sharp look.

"Do i look okay?" she asks. I grab her silver sparkly clutch off the couch, holding it out to her i smile.

"Gorgeous as always niayla"


Hey yall im back. AND A BAD BITCH GOT HER COMPUTER. I love you guys i hope you all hey a merry crisis ;)

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