chapter 11 ☹︎

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The coffee shop was quiet, it was rainy. The sky clogged with grey clouds, today was the day, and ember was seriously nervous that's really an understatement.

She sat down in a booth, her hand wrapped around a green and grey coffee cup, taking a sip every once in a while. She took a look at her phone, 3:07. Any minute violet would walk through the doors, and ember would be faced with the harsh reality that within the next half hour, violet will hate her.

Ember kept her head low, a beanie covering her jet black hair, just before entering the coffee shop she was met with fans. Of course she took photos with them, but with something this private she didn't want fans around.

No one was in the coffee shop, it was fairly quiet. Nothing could be heard but the rain drops hitting the windows, and the coffee machine brewing. The bell rang on the door, ember dug her head more into her oversized coat and took a peak to see, violet with all her glory walking towards the table.

Violet knew what it was about, the tone of embers voice on the phone meant it wasnt good. So she had prepared herself internally for whatever was going to come next. Violet swiped her hands nervously against her jeans, that she regrets wearing because the cold rain outside.

She sat across from ember. She gulped, staring intently as ember sat up in her seat. Ember looked up at her, her green eyes saddened.

"I'm so sorry.." ember trailed off. "I swear it's me, it's not you, i just don't want to hurt you'' ember Says. Violet nods her head, looking down at the table.

"Can you tell me why? Is it because of billie?" she says softly. Ember doesn't say anything, at least for a minute she doesn't.

"I don't want to lie to you. yes , it's because of billie. I'm not doing this to be with her though, i'm doing this because you don't deserve to be lied to. You deserve someone whos able to love you violet....i can't give you that.'' she admits. Violet silently nods.

Violets not going to lie and say she isn't hurt, because she cared about ember. In reality though, she didn't know what to expect. She knew what had happened to ember, she knew from then on, ember had always been on guard of everything. She didn't want to pressure her, so she never put out the word 'girlfriend' because she didn't want to scare her away.

But at this moment, she was okay with ember making this decision. She was thankful that ember had come clean and didn't lead her on, for the last four months, embers been fine. But recently for the last few days she's been distant.

"Thank you" violet responds. "For telling me the truth" she says.

She stands up out the booth, slinging her bag over her shoulder, she looks at ember.

"I hope you find someone one day you can open up to, and that they love you unconditionally. I hope you find someone you can spend the rest of your life with, i mean it" she says.before ember gets to respond She turns around, her figure disappearing through the Doorway and into the rainy street.

Ember sat back down in her seat, slumping over as she sighed out. A weight had been lifted off her shoulders, no more would she have to worry about a silly relationship. Is not like it would have gone far with them, eventually ember knows violet would have got upset and would have left anyways at some point in time, so really she felt like she saved them both from heartbreak.

In embers mind she knows deep down violet wouldn't have left, she would have maybe somehow gotten upset and things would have headed for the worst, but ever since around this time almost a year ago, all trust in people in embers world diminished.

She always now doubts herself and others so for her, this was the right decision, and she knows it would be best if stays alone, for a year, or a few. Or maybe the rest of her life.


"Honey are you okay?" Nay asked me. I nodded my head, shaking off the vibes of even wanting to speak.

Its not a lie, I really am okay. I don't feel sad, which really I feel like I'm a goddamn serial killer for not necessarily caring.

"Are you sure you're okay?" She asks again. I smile, looking up at her.

"I think for once I'm actually alright"

I look like shit in this because I walked three miles back and forth, but ya girl got her septum pierced

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I look like shit in this because I walked three miles back and forth, but ya girl got her septum pierced

My Girl ☹︎ Billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now