Chapter 4 ☹︎

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Vote please my loves! ❤️
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Vote please my loves! ❤️☹︎ ☹︎ ☹︎

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"So tell me what's been on your mind lately" Dr.Roberts says. Asking me after she's asked me tons of questions before.

I stare up at the ceiling, not saying anything for a minute. What's really been on my mind lately, everything and nothing.

"I don't know" is all I say. She hums, writing something down on her note pad.

"What are you feeling right now if I may ask? Sad angry, hurt?" She questions.

I let out a sigh, rubbing my forehead with my palm of my hand.  "I don't know" I speak.

"Empty I guess" I say. I look over to see her eyebrows push together.

"What do you mean by that?" She asks.

She knows very well what I mean by that, there isn't no explaining. How the hell am I supposed to explain that I feel empty? Empty means empty, and realistically that's just it.

"I don't know how I'm supposed to be explain That" I remark. "Empty is empty doctor Roberts as you may know" I say sarcastically.

"I've told you many times before not to call me doctor Roberts, it makes me feel like I'm old" she says chuckling a little bit.

"Well you're what 23? To me that's old" I remark jokingly. I sit up off the couch, pushing my hair back I look at her.

"That's only 3 years older then you, I'm not old just older" she says smiling.

I smile, laughing gently as I lean up against the couch. Crossing my arms over my chest, I look at her.

"You want me to call it by your name? Fine." I say.

"Empty is empty violet, I can't explain it. It's just there" I finally let out. She puts her notebook down, finally meeting me gaze.

Her almost turquoise eyes capture mine, locking me in. Her light brown hair falls over her shoulders, straightened to perfection. She holds herself different, she has this aura about her. She's serious, you can tell that she barely smiles.

She didn't seem to have smile lines, but when shes around me, she seems to smile a lot.
I've seen her around town before, and she always seemed to be alone. She was very quiet, and I often seen people trying to talk to her, but she somehow always avoided the conversations.

Violet was the girl Niayla had wanted me to ask out, she had been trying to convince me. After what she has been told about me, and for he reason I had been going to a therapist in the first place, she probably thinks I'm a mess.

My Girl ☹︎ Billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now