Chapter 3 ☹︎

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"You've got to be kidding me" Niayla yells, slamming the jar of strawberry jelly on the counter.

I flinch then roll my eyes as I snatch the jar out her hand. She looks at me, mouth open and huffs.

"How dare she do that shit! She has no right I tell you!" She screeches. She sits up on the counter, looking at me as I stir the chicken in with the Alfredo.

Niayla has been my friend for about a year and a half. After me and Billie broke up, I would go no where. So one night I did, I drank to much. Spilled my guts out to her, and woke up with her on my couch.

We've been friends ever since.

"Does she even know what she did to you?" She says to me. I shrug my shoulders laughing slightly as I look at her angered face.

"She did it for the right reasons" I reply. "It's not like she meant to hurt me, I mean what did I expect, we were in two different parts of life. It wasn't meant to be" I lowly say.

Part of me thinks she didn't mean to hurt me, while for some reason another part of me thinks that she purposely hurt me just so I would stay away.

"That isn't what love is, you aren't supposed to break up with someone like that, she could have at least explained why on the phone. that's the least she could have done." She remarks sarcastically.

I knew what Billie had done it for, after I hung up and thinks calmed down. Weeks later she texted me telling me why she really did, but I always ignored the texts. Eventually I blocked her.

"She didn't have to, she didn't owe me anything" I remark. Slightly angered.

at heart I know she did it for the right reason, but I still can't help to be mad. I'm pretty sure if anyone else was going through the same thing, they would be somewhat upset to.

"It's just fucked up that she thinks that she could do that to you and then be friends" she remarks, heavily rolling her eyes.

I shrug it off, not bothering to respond. She comes right next to me, digging her hand in the pot to try to take a piece of chicken, I slap her hand away.

"Ow!" She yells. Holding the top of her hand. She walks away, leaving me slightly chuckling.

"Are you going to see violet tomorrow?" She yells from the other room. I turn my head yelling back to her confused.

"Why do you keep trying to set me up with her nay! I don't want to see anyone!" I yell. She runs into the kitchen, which is open concept to the living room.

"Ember! Come on, I think it's time" she says to me. I turn around looking at her as she quivers her lip.

"I can't go out Nay, please. You know what happened last time I did.." I trail off. Her expression falls, remembering what happened just months ago.

"I'm sorry em, I didn't mean to push you. I just want you to be happy" she says. Pushing a piece of hair behind her ear.

"It's fine, I know you want what's best. But I am happy I'm fine now" I reassure her. She shakes her head.

"But you aren't fine, I know don't have to lie em you know that" she says to me.

For the last few months I've been really pushing my feelings away, hiding them. The thoughts sometimes cloud my head so much, I see black.

I just want to be normal, but now I know I really won't ever be. It's just, I can't be. It's nearly impossible.

I can't be around people to long, or I freak out. I can't be around people who are loud or I nearly pass out, and I can't be touched without having a full out panic attack and or blackout.

"I will be soon, I promise" I say to her. She lets out a sigh.

She looks like she wants to say something, like somethings on her mind, but she doesn't say anything. Something seems to be holding her back.

"So have you written any songs?" She asks. I shake my head, answering her question.

"So I'm going to be out with Micheal tomorrow, so I won't be here for dinner, but I'll bring you back some food alright?" She asks me. I nod my head, putting the plates on the counter.

"Thank you" I say gently. She nods her head, walking over to me she pokes my side annoyingly.

I take the pot and scoop the Alfredo onto the plates, niayla eyes it annoyingly, with her greedy self.

"Thank you best frienddddd" she says being extra. I bust out in laughter, not being able to contain dealing with her.

"Your welcome stupid bitch" I reply.

"Shut up cunt" she remarks. I cackle stupidly, flicking her off.

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