Serious topic.

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Hey guys, I didn't want to have to make this, let alone even want to talk about it but I really think you guys should know what's been going on.

I am 15 if some of you guys don't know, I've never been the type of person to not stay true to my word, and for me writing has been the thing that's kept me grounded and I've tried to continue to stay true to writing.

For the last two years I've been suffering from severe depression and bi polar disorder. I've never realized that I really had it though, I always thought that my life is not as bad as other people's so in turn I shouldn't be sad because I myself have a lot of things to be grateful for.

So I ignored my senses about telling my mom about how I feel, I constantly lash out at the people I love and keep myself up in my room. This is not me.

My depression and bi polar in the last four months has gotten extremely bad. I can't focus in school, my grades have suffered and I have stopped having energy to write.

I love this book, and I am going to continue it. But I've gotten put on medication for the first time, and I just feel like for this I need a break.

I want to get better for you guys I feel like. I know a lot of you guys have been here since the beginning of my first book and for that I am extremely grateful for all your guys positive comments and cheers to keep it up.

I don't want to disappoint you guys with chapters that I personally don't think would be good enough. I want to start writing again when I know that I will be able to put the most effort in that I can.

I really don't know how long it's going to be, a month, maybe two maybe more. I don't think I'll be gone more than six months honestly.

I really really appreciate you guys, and I love you guys for all that you've done for me because I wouldn't be where I am without any of you guys.

If you guys personally need to talk you can pm me and I will be there for you 100%. Or if you have any questions you can pm me or reach me on my Instagram.

And please please please remember. You are worth it. If you are sad. Please tell someone, make sure to take care of yourself. You are loved and you are such a great asset to this world. It may seem bad now, and like it won't get better but believe me it does,

With all love

Instagram handle: vintagexjae

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