Chapter 14 ☹︎

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                                    ☹︎ ☹︎ ☹︎A very special message at the end loves! ❤️

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☹︎ ☹︎ ☹︎
A very special message at the end loves! ❤️







I lean my head up to look at her, her green eyes shine in the dim lighting. She smiles softly at me, God how I missed that smile.

"Sure I only wanted to punch you in your face for a few months, but I could never hate you, " she says chuckling. I laugh along with her, seeing her genuinely smile for the first time towards me in I don't know how long, makes my heart flutter.

I smile, nodding my head I go to wrap my arm around her waist, she pulls away from my grasp abruptly. She looks down at the ground, then around the room. A panicked look spreads across her face, and she steps back from me.

"Billie...I'm not like how I use to be. I'm different, a lot of things are different now" she says rushed. She breaths out heavily, and I just nod my head to show I understand.

I clear my throat. "Can I know what's wrong?" I wonder. She gulps, shaking her head she looks down at the ground. A sad expression is evident on her face.

"Will I ever be able to know what's wrong?" I ask her. She shrugs her shoulders.

"Billie, it's complicated. I'm not how I use to be... So many things are different. It's not like I don't want to be with you, it's not like I don't want to try. I just- I don't want to give you false hope to think that everything is going to go back to normal. when really everything changed" she says.

"Its been two years Ember, of course things have changed. I'm not expecting everything to be the same, I just want to be here for you and anything that you need"I try to explain but she just shakes her head.

"It's not that easy I come with so many problems, things that you couldn't begin to understand I don't want to make you miserable," she says. Trying to play it off, acting like she's okay with even saying this.

"I don't care, I really don't. As long as I can help you in any way and see you happy, even if it's not with me- or anyone for that matter. I'm down," I say. A look of hesitation crosses her face, she gulps, taking a deep breath in she nods. She doesn't seem to be a 100% sure of her answer, somethings stopping, and I of all people can tell.

"Ember what"s wrong?" I ask her. She just shakes her head, looking away she shrugs her shoulders.

"Just you being around means you're going to have to know about everything or I'm going to look crazy" she breaths out worriedly. I shake my head, chuckling a little bit.

My Girl ☹︎ Billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now