chapter 13 ☹︎

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I start to blast some bomb ass music through my speakers, just vibing out in the almost complete darkness of my room. That award show, really had me fucked up. I haven't even had the guts to text ember at all, I've been trying to force myself. Last time I did though, the conversation was the most awkward thing I have ever been through.

A call rang in, disturbing my quiet and peaceful moment. I look at the caller ID to see its finn. I swear to god it better be a good reason he's calling me this late.

I pick up the phone, hearing his rushed words spill out over the line I ask him to calm the fuck down. He finally calms down, letting me know the situation I hang up. Grabbing my keys I head out the door.

I make my way through the hallways, going to the desk I check in for my brother. She leads me to the third floor and I quietly make my way through the hallway as I look for my brother's room number.

I walk in to see Finn laying up against his bed, his eyes fixated on the tv. "Finn, what the hell happened are you okay?" I ask. He chuckles, following by a groan of what sounds like a pain.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a sprained arm some cuts and a few bruised ribs, nothing major" he lets out. I chuckle, sitting in the chair beside him.

"Well, either way, you're still hurt," I say. "What happened this time?'' I ask. He lets out a heavy sigh, running his hand over his face he looks away. "The women just ran a red light, it was her second time doing this in the last year, I'm lucky to still be alive'' he says.

My eyebrows furrow, what does he mean by "to still be alive"? I look at him, taking in his previous comment. "What do you mean?" I ask. "It was just a minor accident technically," I say.

"I said this was her second time, last time she crashed into a car, killing the parents I heard and leaving the son without a memory. You wouldn't have seen it you were on tour when it happened " he says.

My mind somehow connects the dots, looking up at him confusingly. "When did this happen?" I question. He looks at me as if I just said some stupid shit.

"I don't know women," he says. "You were like...a little over halfway done with your tour I think it happened right before you and ember broke up," he says. My eyes go wide, it all makes sense now.

I was originally surprised to hear embers happy voice over the phone, only because minutes before she texted me something serious and I thought something really bad had happened. I was confused, to say the least, I could somewhat tell her voice wasn't completely truthful about what she was feeling but I brushed it off.

My thoughts lingered to her speech. The way she talked about her parents its like, they were gone and she wouldn't be seeing them again. I know that Ember of all people likes to be alone, but not this alone. Not with anyone by her side.







I looked at my flashing phone, it was now 11:02 and A text from nay had popped up about her not coming home tonight, and that if I didn't see her car in her driveway then not to worry because she's safe. I responded with just a simple okay and that I will see her in the morning.

A sharp knock came from the door, my head snapped to the door. My heart beating out my chest. Who would be at my door at eleven o'clock at Night? I throw my fuzzy blue blanket over the edge of the couch, getting up I walk to the door slowly, peering through the peephole. I see a familiar figure standing on my porch.

I open the door slowly, she looks up at me, her bright blue eyes illuminating in the pale light. I open the glass door a little bit, staring at her I can't seem to get any words out.

"Can we talk?" she asks. Her voice is small, a hint of confusion added in. its like she almost doesn't know why shes even here.

"yeah ..sure," I say. I open the door and in She steps. A cold gust of wind makes goosebumps rise on my skin, causing me to harshly slam the door. I lock the door behind me, turning around I see her standing shyly with her coat in her hand.

I walk over to her slowly, taking the coat out her hands I clear my throat. "Want anything to drink? I have water, juice, pop?...." I ask.

She glances up a serious look crossing her face. "Nah, I'm good thanks for asking,"  she says. Her voice sounds so weird to me so different, and not like before. It's like last time I saw her, I hated her.

Now this time.... I don't.

I take a deep breath, laying her coat on the kitchen counter I turn back at her. Shes face ahead, her pale blue hair flowing down her shoulders, she's leaned forward with her arms laying on her legs, her hands intertwined together. I clear my throat, straightening out my posture i look at her.

"Why are you here Billie," I ask her. she leans back, letting out a heavy sigh I see her run her hands over her face.

"I wanted to see you," she says. "I should have never done that to you the way I did," she says.

I drop my arms to my sides, running my one hand through my hair I breath out. "Billie I told you I-"

"No Ember, I really need to get this off my chest so just please let me talk...please" she basically begs. I don't say anything, I sit quietly. Knowing that she isn't going to stop until she gets to talk.

She lers out a heavy breath. "I didn't want to break up with you, not fucking at all," she says.

"Billie I know that-"I try to say, but she cuts me off.

"No, I really need you to know that I never meant to hurt you. I was thinking for days on what to do about us, I literally was lost as fuck trying to make a choice because I didn't know what to do. I had never been in love before." she lets out.

"And fuck. I really didn't want to do that to you, I wanted to keep being with you. I knew It wasn't fair to you though when we couldn't talk or even texts for days or weeks at a time" she says, stumbling over her words. "So I broke up with you because I knew that you deserved someone who could give you all the things I couldn't, and I know you hate me...but I just had to let you know why I broke up with you, even if it was in the wrong way..." she speaks.

I gulp, stepping forward I bring my hand up to her face. Rubbing my thumb against her cheek I smile softly.

"You've got one thing wrong Billie, I could never hate you"

My Girl ☹︎ Billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now