Chapter 9 ☹︎

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"I'm literally going to cry!" Nay screams. I turn around to see her screaming into the couch pillows.


Recently this week I had teased Niayla saying that she wouldn't finish a book. She took up the offer and I gave her one of my favorites, forbidden by tabitha suzuma.

I gave her the book yesterday, and she finished it today and she's crying into my couch pillows. So I think you know if she liked it or not.

"Can you please calm down nay? It's just a book" I let out. She looks up, her hair is messy and her hand is clenched over her heart.

"It's just a book! Oops Its just a book. Just like your stupid Wattpad books you care so much about. She killed off LOCHAN of all people. They just wanted to be together!" She hollers.

"There isn't another book, but why don't you just find a series that doesn't end for multiple books?" I ask.

She shrugs her shoulders, huffing. "You know any books that have sex scenes?" She asks looking over at me. I nearly spit out my drink.

"Niayla, not everything is about intercourse you know that right?" I say.

"For me It is, whats the point of reading something if it doesn't have your favorite characters getting it on?" She asks.

I chuckle, rolling my eyes I take myself to the bathroom go get ready.

My mind really has been all over the place these last few weeks. It's been everywhere, and in all honestly I haven't been able to straighten things out.

Yesterday's, I had a great bad dream. It ended up with me waking up to scrub my skin almost raw in the shower. I woke up crying almost to the point where I felt like my lungs were going to give out.

I take the curling iron to curl my hair, placing my hair around it I begin to hum a melody.

"I feel broken battered and blue and its all because of you"

I had recently not been able to get the song I wrote a few weeks back out my head. Tomorrow I am going to release the audio to the song which is really a coincidence because tomorrow Billie releases her song also.

Today is honestly going to be crazy, I had got invited to the music choice awards and I was not going to originally go. There wasn't no point, i wasn't active on Instagram. I was presumed dead By pretty much my whole fan base.

I had now been getting ready By a personal makeup artist and hair stylist. Feeling him poke my face hurt.

I'll admit nay had convinced me to go, I have been feeling self conscious about the choice of clothing my stylist had picked out.

She had put my in a corset. Yeah you heard me right, a goddamn corset that I couldn't breath in. It sucked my stomach in immensely and pulled my boobs to my chest.

I'll admit, looking into the full sized mirror, I looked good but I couldn't help but not overlook the fact that I looked sick, I didn't look like myself

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I'll admit, looking into the full sized mirror, I looked good but I couldn't help but not overlook the fact that I looked sick, I didn't look like myself.

I looked like a shadow of myself, all the makeup that covered my face made me look like I was wearing a mask.

I didn't recognize the person staring back at me. I looked like a doll, a weird one.

I know I shouldn't be talking about my looks so much, but when I haven't really took time for the last over half a year to make myself look nice. This moment is something I didn't know I needed.

I actually kind of feel pretty, like I kind of look okay, but in the back of my head I've got a voice screaming that I look like a fat cow.

As I walked down the carpet, lights flashing at mg face. I smiled back at the lenses. It was the first time in a long time I had been somewhere like this.

I turned around to meet face to face with an interviewer who introduced herself as Melanie.

"Oh hi its no nice to meet you! I'm melanie" she says holding out her hand, I shake it and smile greeting her.

"So I know that you have been absent from the music business for a while, and you got really popular really fast right?" She asks. I chuckle and laugh.

"Yeah, it was quite crazy actually within a month and a half to two months I had over a million followers." I said. "I never expected to gain that many from one song I mean it was almost two years ago but its still crazy to think about and the more I released songs the more I gain"

"And now how many do you have?" She asks.

"Almost eleven million I think" i say.

"Wow that's alot" she says. "So growing up how was your family about music? How did you know this is what you wanted to do"

"We that's a hard one" I let out." I'm not going to say the minute I could speak that I knew this is what I wanted to do. I didn't know that music would Be my passion, I never knew that this is where I would end up, all I knew is that I loved music and it made me happy." I say.

"As for my parents they worked a lot, we never really had the best relationship growing up. They never really knew me, but as I got older things changed. And I'm glad that I can say we had a great relationship and that I know they're proud of me and with my career path" i say smiling.

"That's great to hear! Well thank you for answering some questions and I can't wait go see you perform tonight good luck!" She says smiling. I hug her goodbye and bid the camera a farewell.

This is going to be one hell of a night.

It's currently 6:15 am and I've been working on this for hours trying to make it sound okay, hope you guys like it.

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