chapter 10 ☹︎

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I sat down at the round table filled with some other people i actually don't talk to. I sat quietly, the bright bluish purple lights illuminating the big space full of loud and excited voices, trying to overpower each other.

The night was going on fine, stars presenting the nominees, people getting all excited when they
see their favorite idols up on the big screen.

Everyone was getting really excited to see the best
female artist nominations especially. I sat back in my seat, looking up at lisa koshy, who is my close friend presenting the names.

For a second i think why the hell is she here, because she's not in the music industry, but then
again lisa is pretty much at any and every award show.

She begins to read the names, going down the list, which included billies name. Right in the moment I'm not really paying attention.

I'm paying more attention to the fact that my performance
is right after this award is given out. My nervousness peaks when i hear a familiar name yelled

'Next nominee is ember cole!'' she says. "That's my girl!" she screams into the microphone. A
round of applause erupts through out the crowd. My smile grows as i look up at her. She
violently gives me a thumbs up. I chuckle to myself.

Me and several other artist faces appear on the screen, and god they picked an ugly picture of
me. I cringe internally, i wouldn't ever win. Popular female artists like camila, billie, Halsey and
so forth are presented.

Lisa's handed an envelope, she slowly opens it. She takes the paper out
the package and opens to read it. Her smile grows widely.

"And the winner girl ember cole!'' she screams. Applause and screams fill the room,tears pool in my eyes.
I stand up, walking i earn handshakes from fellow artists, and of course my best friend shawn.

I walk ast billie, her arm stopping me as she shakes my hand. She looks up and smiles at me, she
mouths 'im proud of you'. My heart flutters, i smile widely back at her, mouthing a thank you.
My walk on stage is nerve wracking, lisa hands me the trophy, still not over the fact of my win.

I face the crowd, the lights blinding me. But i can still see the flashing lights of peoples cameras.

I sniffle a little bit, letting out a stiff excuse of a laugh. "I don't know what to say, I'm honestly so in awe of the fact in standing up on this stage, holding something I've wanted to hold for so long.'' i say." Okay so i should probably start out with thanking people'' i let out.

''I want to first thank my fans for being so supportive even when i was away, i love you guys so much, for being the best fans someone could ask for so thank you. I also want to thank my mom and dad, i really wish they were able to see the person I've become today, i wish they could see me standing up on this stage, we were a strange family I'm not going to deny that. But i don't think i would ever want to grow up another way. So mom and dad, and everyone. Thank you from the bottom of my heart."

Lights flash at me, people smile and congratulate me. The win is still on my mind, but so are a lot of other things.

My performance comes up any minute now, my heart beats out my chest. Its announced that I would be performing my song,

I can somewhat breath since i changed and my stylist let me loosen my corset. She decided to put me in a long navy blue off the shoulder dress, with a high slit.

                   The lights dim, and in the back round my music starts to play

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The lights dim, and in the back round my music starts to play. I take a deep breath in, letting it release I open my mouth to sing.

'It's been a long day and I'm trying to figure it out
The way those words left your mouth

I feel broken, shattered, and blue
And it's all because of you
And I'm trying, trying to figure it out

If this is love
Why does it break me down?
Why do you break me down?
If this is love
Why does it break me down?
Why do you break me down?

It's been a long time since I felt the way that I do now
Like I need you, but I don't know how

It's been a while since I smiled
And I meant it from my heart
But the idea of leaving this behind It tears me apart.

I look up at the crowd, billies in the front, and her eyes are locked straight on mine. A look of shock on her face, by now its no surprise. She knows the songs about her.

If this is love
Why does it break me down?
Why do you break me down?
If this is love
Why does it break me down?
Why do you break me down?

Kiss me now and remind me why
I ever wanted to make you mine
And even though it hurts in this moment

I've always known it
You're the other half of my broken heart

If this is love
Why does it break me down?
Why do you break me down?
If this is love
Why does it break me down?
Why do you break me down?

Even though it hurts in this moment
I've always known it

"You're the other half of my broken heart...." My voice shakes as I pull away from the microphone. The lights dim, and tears gather in my eyes.

Its not fair to violet, its not fair at all. Its not fair to me, its not fair to Anyone. I shouldn't be lying to myself, I've tried to for so long.

Stringing violet along, lying to her. Lying to billie, its a messed up thing for me to do. And I shouldnt be doing it.

My realizations came at the worst time, on stage in front of thousands of people, along with millions who are watching at home.

I came to the realization, that I am still in love with Billie.

- thought i I left my phone at school but nope I lost it, and then found It so I hope you guys like this.

My Girl ☹︎ Billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now