Chapter 5 ☹︎

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Days turned into weeks, my mind was off of Billie for a while. Now it was focused on violet. Things had been going well, we went out to dinner one night at an old Time diner.

We talked about things that we liked to do, she told me that originally she wanted to be a psychiatric nurse, but she didn't want to be in
Debt. So a therapist was the next best thing.

She told me her favorite color was green, which
for me to find someone with a favorite color of green. I had a great time, and at the end of the night when she dropped me off she didn't push any boundaries.

She gave me a shy tipped smile as she asked me if she could give me a kiss on the cheek, she was being cautious, knowing what had happened. I nodded my head, when she kissed me goodnight sweetly I walked in the house happily.

I couldn't believe I was actually happy for once, and I felt bad for violet. I still feel bad for violet, because sometimes when I meet up with her and hang out. Billie crossed my mind, multiple times might I add.

But over the weeks, the more I hung out with her the less I thought about Billie. The more I thought about violet while I was alone, the less Billie was in my head.

After a while, I didn't feel so bad, because the thoughts about her were mostly gone.

Today I was going to meet violet at the coffee shop, just to hand out for an hour before her next clients appointment.

I walked into the small coffee shop, people walked around, the smell of gingerbread laced the air. I saw violet sitting in the corner, near the electric fireplace, a pen in her hand, the other side in her mouth slightly.

She looked like she was filling out some papers, probably working on some things for work. I walked over to her, sitting across from her she looked up, her smile spreading across her face.

^violet ;)

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^violet ;)

"Hi there" she says smiling at me. I smile back nervously, as a blush crosses my cheeks.

"Whatcha working on?" I ask her. She closes the file and slides it over to the side, looking back up at me she looks at me face intently.

"Working on some paper work for a clients schedule that's all" she says looking up at me. I nod my head.

"That's cool, sooo did you finish the book I recommend?" I ask her. She nods her head excitedly, smiling widely.

"I loved it!" She squeals. "I was so shocked at the end, I really didn't expect that! It being in his daughters point of view the whole time shocked the hell out of me" she says.

"I told you you'd like it" I say. "Didn't I?" I tease.

She chuckles lightly, I stare at her. God she's really pretty, now that I'm looking at her, so intently shes gorgeous.

"Indeed you did" she says. "Any other recommendations?" She asks. I smile, pulling out a book from my bag handing it over to her she takes it.

"Confessions of a wild child" I say. "Its a good book, it's crazy and over the top at times, but none the less it's a great read" I say smiling.

She looks down at the book, taking in the cover design. She places it in her bag gently, looking back up at me, her face is super red. I don't know why but to me, she looks absolutely adorable.

"Thank you, I trust that your judgment is good" she says jokingly.

"You should trust you, I wouldn't make you read a shitty book" I say cackling, ugly ass laugh as might add.

"Your language were in a public place!" She jokes, only slightly serious. I laugh.

"I apologize Doctor Roberts." I say. Her mouth drops open, letting out a giggle, a cute giggle.

"It sounds like you're talking about a 40 year old when you say doctor Roberts" she says. I run my hand through my hair, scrunching my eyebrows together I look at her.

"Well are you secretly a 40 year old that just happens to look young?" I ask her. She gasps.

"How did you know! Well I'm that case I must come clean" she jokes. "I'm 49 and I actually was born in 1969" she lets out a sigh.

"Wow.." I breath out. "The age gap community is quaking" I breath out.

We both burst out in laughter, a little too loud since everyone in the coffee shop starts to stare at us.

For the next half hour or so we talk about everything that comes to mind. Once she notices it's time to go, she grabs her stuff and gets up out the seat.

Her hand holds onto mine gently, she smiles up at me. Kissing me on the cheek gently, she waves me goodbye and heads out the door.

I sit back in the booth, pulling out my phone I start to scroll through my Instagram feed.

A figure lingers next to me for a second, and I hear her voice clear as day.

"Can we talk?"

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