Chapter 2 ☹︎

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She didn't bother to look back, I just stood for a minute. Waiting for her reply, and for almost a minute one didn't come.

"Hi" she reply's. Still not looking at me.

Her voice is weak, and I can barley hear it. It sounds like she's sick or something, or like she hasn't spoken in forever.

"Can I sit?" I ask. She doesn't say anything, she stands up not bothering to look at me.

"I actually have to go now" she lies. As she walks away I grasp my hand around her forearm, but she pulls away out my grasp like my hand was on fire.

"Ember I just want to talk be friends I-"

"I don't want to be friends billie,thats the thing" she voices. My eyebrows furrow as I follows her out into the street.

"What why?" I wonder. She looks at me, and when she does, Everything comes back to me knocking me over mentally.

All the days I woke up to her in bed, her hair sprawled across the pillows. All the times we watched movies together, and she fell asleep half way through them.

More sad thoughts come up though, more sad then good. All the times that I left early in the morning without even saying goodbye to her because I had to go record some parts of songs.

The worst memory is when she silently whimpered when I said we should break up, she understood, and she said it might be for the best. But those cries that I heard fall from her mouth over the phone, broke me.

I didn't want to hurt her though, it was only the fourth month of a seven month tour and I would have been busy for the next over a year, and I couldn't stand breaking her heart anymore. She was a lot less active on instagram, and there were times that she would text me that she loved me and I wouldn't be able to text back for days.

When I suggested it she was silent, and when she spoke again, it barely come up as a whisper. She just said okay, and then she hung up the phone, and after that. I've never talked to her since.

And now she sits in front of me, her eyes digging into mine. She looks so different, so different.

Her long dark brown black hair, was now completely black. Cut shorter now down to half way at her back, instead of being down to her tail bone.

Her once bright aura, is dim. So weak compared to what I was use to.

"Because I cant-" she speaks, her voice somewhat emotionless.

"Yes we can be friends, it was almost two years ago aren't you over it?" I ask, she looks at me her eyes getting a layer of gloss over them.

I knew I shouldn't have said that, but it just came out. She looks as if she's going to murder me, like literally fucking choke the life out of me.

"Are you fucking serious Billie? Am I over it? You broke up with me over the phone, not even in a nice way. I knew it was the right thing to do and you were doing it for the right reasons, but you didn't have to do my like you did. My thing is you're asking me if I'm over it, but you're the one sitting in front of me asking me to be friends. So here's your answer stay the fuck away from me" she spits in anger, tears nearly falling from her eyes.

She's right, I hadn't done it in a nice way. It was actually the worst way you could break up with someone, I felt like a fucking dickhead doing that. It was for the best for her and for me.


She called me up, hearing her voice for the first time in weeks was a total release. She spoke to me on the phone, I could almost hear her smiling through the phone.

She continued to talk, and god do I love hearing her talk. I smiled at myself, my smile slowly fading as I realized what I had to do.

"I think we should break up" I speak lowly. Her words came to a halt, making the line go silent. She didn't say anything for a minute, and I thought she had hung up the phone.

"Why?" She asks. I couldn't say anything, my words wouldn't leave my throat. So I just shut up. I dont say anything, I can't say anything.

"I'm sorry" I say. Wiping the tears beneath my eyes. I sit on the edge of my bed, a phone to my ear and a hand over my eyes. Tears staining my hand.

"Okay" she says. Within a second the line goes dead, I throw my phone at the wall and weep into my hands.


It was such a shitty thing to do, and ember out of all people didn't Deserve that. Within two minutes I had lost the love of my life and my sanity.

She looks at me for a split second, her green eyes trying to hold back tears. She hates me, she totally hates me, and I wouldn't blame her for it.

So the girl that I loved and lost walks away from me, her figure slowly getting smaller as she fades down the street.

And I'm left on the sidewalk of a dark street on a dark snowy night, in the middle of December. Thinking about what it would be like if nothing ever changed.

My Girl ☹︎ Billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now