Chapter 8 ☹︎

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☹︎ ☹︎ ☹︎- prolly hella spelling errors cuz I got fake nails on now and it's hard to type lmao-

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☹︎ ☹︎ ☹︎
- prolly hella spelling errors cuz I got fake nails on now and it's hard to type lmao-






"I'm going to finish the song" I say to nay. She somewhat chokes on her food, staring at me she speaks with her mouth full.

"Really? Thats awesome" she asks. Her words muffled from the cereal she's aren't. I nod my head, replying to her comment.

I never got to really finish one of my songs, and in the last eight months I haven't written any songs. I had started one, then never went back finish it. Now I have some type of motivation to finish it.

After Nay leaves to work I head to my extra room, although it seems like nay lives with me. She doesn't, she lives across the street from me. She's always here though, because I love having her around.

I sit on my bed staring at my drawer. I pull out my old notebook, at has sense collected a fair amount of dust from not being used.

I get off my bed, walking over to my desk, I sit down on my chair. I pull out a pen, pressing it to the paper I let my mind wander.


"God rose knows her ugly ass could have moved over she just wanted to be a petty bitch" nay huffs.

We decided to watch titanic which, honestly I've always never watched. I never have even watched barely any of it, I always seem to fall asleep.

Sure romance is okay but scary movies is where it's at.

"Why do you always watch movies and then get angry at them for there unethical plot?" I ask. She stops chewing her popcorn, looking at me she sighs.

"Please don't go all fancy smansy on my with them words you do it all the time" she chuckles.

"I do not ever get all fancy with you words!" I remind her.

She shakes her head "liar, you be like Elucidate, Scintillating shit like that I'm Stupid I can't understand your language" she mumbles.

"It isn't a language it's literally an advanced form of literature" I reply. She cackles.

"That's what I mean! You talk like you're a priest in a baptist church in 1783" she lets out.

I squint my eyes. Sometimes as much as I love nay, she only gets Whiny when some thing happens, so right know I now somethings wrong.

"What did crystal do this time?" I ask her. She throws the pillow on the Other couch.

"That stupid bitch tried to have sex with me! She called me up all like 'blah blah blah I'm tired' or some shit and was talking about I should come over to energize her. Like bitch I am no booty call" she yells angrily.

"So what did you do after she said that?" I ask. She's quiet. Now I know why she did.

"Did you go over after" I sigh.



"Cuz a bad bitch worked hard for this body, plus have you seen her? She's fuckin hot!" She breaths. "But she doesn't want a relationship...." she says.

I pout. This has always been a problem for nay since I've been around her. She's gone on plenty of dates, boys and girls and everything in between. Yet, no one wants to pursue a relationship because all they usually want from her is sex.

Niayla, she's sweet funny charismatic. This might be my gay side acting up, but she's definitely attractive. Romantically or sexually I've never been attracted to her, but everyone else is always , sexually anyways.

And if someone does want to Pursue a relationship, it's usually a creepy old dude.

"You just have to wait to find the right person, not everyone's going to be for you. It takes time nay" I remind her.

She pouts, like a child while crossing her arms. "You're always getting people that you love that love you back, god just hates me!" She says.

"People?" I question. "More like person" I simply remind her.

"Okay well teach me how to make people love me!" She begs. I chuckle, she's so dramatic sometimes.

"I can't teach people how to love you nay, you've got to wait for it to happen" I say. She sighs.

"I will never be loved! You're no help bitch" she grunts. She gets off the couch, running to the kitchen I hear a thump. I wait a minute,wondering what the hell shes doing.

I hear a drawer slam, I throw the remote and when I walk into the kitchen, I see niayla laying on the island ice cream tub in hand.

"I just wanna be loveddddd!" She groans. I sigh, running my hands over my face.

"Goodnight nay" I reply, walking out the kitchen as I flick the light off.

"It's dark you bitch! If that grudge hoe kills me it's your fault!" She screeches from the dark kitchen.

"See you tomorrow!" I yell.

I walk into my room, switching on the lamp I pull my throw blanket off my bed and throw my decorative pillows to the side.

I hate going to sleep, it's the worse time of the day. Only because I'm left alone in my thoughts, and they start to eat away at me.

Thoughts about violet, the song, what I'm going to do when I release it and Billie all cross my mind.


Happy thanksgiving, I won't be posting for the rest of my break. I love you guys though!

My Girl ☹︎ Billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now