Exploration Interrupted
After satisfying their hunger and their thirst they started getting curious about the island. They were curious about the island's secrets, about the reason it was so different from all the other islands. Naturally, they wanted to see more of it, to discover all everything there was, but they couldn't help but wonder if that would be a good move to make. They talked about it for a while and decided to stick to the shore for the time being. Then, later on, they would make a decision whether to stay or to go and explore the amazing island. Having made the decision they started focusing their attention back to the beach itself. They wanted to see all the details they missed when they looked at it while they were plagued by hunger and thirst. Their needs having been satisfied they took a closer look. On the ground, near the trees they already saw, they could also see various plants of different shapes and sizes. Some of them resembled the flora one might find on the ocean floor. The girls felt as if they were looking at the ocean floor which was quite strange. It wasn't only the plants; there was something similar to a starfish sunbathing on the huge marble rock. Some pink and green colors were also visible from where they stood. Furthermore, they could see other vegetation which didn't seem to belong to the traditional beach scenery, for example, something resembling tumbleweed was also visible. Amber and Jade wondered what awaited them behind the ivy-imposed curtain when the wonders there, in front of the curtain were so astonishing. What could be stranger or more wonderfully magical than what they could see at that moment?
As they pondered what their next step should be, they were interrupted by a noise that sounded like an argument. They were frozen in shock since the island didn't show any signs of being inhabited until that moment. As the voices drew closer they decided to go towards them, towards civilization, even though they were arguing. Soon enough they could see two male figures approaching them. It was strange to see them, the first human beings for days. The guys froze since the last thing they expected to see on what seemed like a deserted island were two confused women. After the shock came relief, relief that there was someone else on the island, that they weren't alone. Amber was the first one to recover from the shock, and she spoke up: "Hi, there! I am Amber and this is my friend Jade. We thought the island was deserted. We are so happy to see we were wrong." She could tell that she was babbling, but she still went on. "We were shipwrecked, and we were in this small life-raft for days, and when we got here we were so relieved...""Amber!" Jade interrupted reproachfully" I am sorry about my friend, she babbles when she is anxious. And you are?'The tall, well-built guy with strong arms and long legs started talking." I am Ignacio and this is my friend Royce. We were also shipwrecked, and we don't think this island is inhabited. In fact, we were just debating what to do next. By the way, it is nice to meet you, even under these strange circumstances." As he said that his deep, blue eyes which made a striking contrast with his dark complexion bore into Amber's chocolate brown ones. "Those are the deepest blue eyes I have ever seen "thought Amber slightly dazzled. As he extended his hand Amber had no choice but to shake hands with him. They all succumbed to that social convention although it seemed strange considering where they were. Royce, the short, well-built guy with spiky brown hair with blue tips was silent during the exchange as if he was deep in thought. "So what's your story," Amber asked, "Were you on the "White Queen" as well? Where you on another ship? How did you end up here? "
"That is a long story" Ignacio stated, "but one I am willing to share since we have all the time in the world. Before I start, I must warn you that it is not such an interesting story." "Tell us anyway," said Jade as they all settled down on the beach thinking that their story would keep them from worrying about the current situation. "Very well, but after that, we want to hear your story, which is I am sure a lot more interesting than ours!" Ignacio said with a flirtatious wink. As the sun started setting, they settled in comfortably to tell each other their stories. It was a magnificent sunset and the sea changed so many colors that it was breathtaking. Unfortunately, they didn't notice the beautiful sunset absorbed in their conversation as they were.
Destiny Island
FantasySometimes one ordinary vacation can change your life, forever. It can go beyond anything you planned, or thought possible and surprise you in bad ways as well as good ones. Still, it is up to you to decide what you will do and which path to take. T...