Chapter 15

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In the morning all the island inhabitants seemed to be just fine, but the girls did have a bit of a headache. Probably because they weren't used to the type of wonderful wine popular in the meadow. Luckily for them, Avo Jana was willing to help them out. She made them some tea that immediately cured their headaches. Soon, they realized it wasn't just the tea that cured headaches. Another effect of the tea was that it energized them, so much so that they felt they were ready for anything. There was no challenge they couldn't face, no obstacle they couldn't pass. Not only did their bodies felt energized but their minds as well. It was such a good feeling, the feeling of excitement and generally being alive.

Amber suddenly remembered: " What about your story? You are yet to explain to us about the Naiads and tell us about your life." "Ah, I forgot that humans never let anything go. It has been a while since I spent time with humans." She said reminiscing. "Very well, I shall tell you a bit about me and my kind. Some stories you have heard are true in some ways. You see, there are many types of Naiads in different places. I am not sure about the ones you had or still have in your world. So, have in mind that what I am telling you is only true of one particular species of Naiads. All of us are literally born from nature. A seed is carried by the winds, and it settles in one place. In my case, it was this meadow. Then, the seed grows and turns into a particular plant. For me, it was a rose, or better to say I was the rose.

As I grew I started developing a conscience, a simple conscience similar to one of the human babies. I grew much larger than any other flower. While my body grew my conscience also started developing and grew in sync with my body. One day I, the rose, was as tall as an average human and that is when the transformation finally occurred. From the beautiful red rose, I turned into what you see in front of you now. It is not an easy transition to make but I did it much faster than some of my Naiad sisters. Being able to move around was a nice bonus but also a challenge. At first, I didn't actually know how to use my legs but finally, I did it. Even after I learned the basic things sometimes I still missed being a flower, it was so much more peaceful and relaxing. Still, I like this life as well. Everything has its good and bad sides.

After the transformation, it didn't take me long to feel the meadow was my home but also my job. I was one with nature and I could feel what it needed and gave it to the meadow. Because of my flower birth, there is still a special space in my heart for flowers, as you can see. But I do try to be a fair and gentle protector of this place. Of course, my gentle nature doesn't mean that I can't fight. For the well-being of the meadow, there is nothing I wouldn't do. I can be pretty fearsome in defending it from those who try to harm it. So that is how I spend my days, looking after this beautiful meadow. Sometimes, I do visit some of my Naiad friends or some of my other friends. But I don't stay long because as they say 'there is no place like home.'"

When Avo Jana finished her story Amber had so many questions, but they all seemed too personal to ask. The temptation was so great that she was glad when Jade's voice interrupted her train of thought. "What about other places? Are they as wonderful as this one?" She asked. "Well, I don't think I am the right person to ask that. For me, this meadow is the most beautiful place in existence. But, yes there are other breathtaking places on this island. You should be careful because this island has the most amazing beauty and goodness but also the most grotesque evil. It's all about the balance." She said. "What does that even mean!?" Jade asked exasperatedly. "I am afraid I can't explain it in a way that you would understand. I am sorry. What I ask of you is to be careful. Don't let yourself become confused by the beauty so much as not to be able to notice the ugliness when you see it. "Avo Jana said with a tone of finality.

Not wanting to overstay their welcome they decided it was time to move on. After receiving a few gifts from the kind Naiad, they continued their journey. Upon passing through the meadow they came to what seemed to be an ordinary village. They started wondering if they would be lucky enough to meet someone they understood, a human. Although they were thrilled to see all the beauties of the island it was all too much for them to process, and they thought it would be nice if they had something to hold on to, something familiar. But nothing is the way it seems, is it?  

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