Chapter 28

28 11 17

The Climb

Jade's point of view

What the hell are we doing? What in the name of all that is holy made us think that we, two complete amateurs, could climb this mountain.

I don't even know the names of half of the equipment we are using. The only reason we know how to use any of the equipment is the fact that the seer left simple, yet detailed instructions.

It is impossible for me to imagine now what possessed us to do this, just because some complete stranger told us that was the right thing to do.

In our own world we would have never listened to the advice of someone we just met, but in this magical land, it seemed so normal, the right thing to do.

Only now do I see what a huge challenge it is, for both of us.

The only reason I was so eager to get this climb started was the fact that Royce made me so angry by trying to protect me that I wanted to prove him wrong.

I wanted to prove to him that I am capable of taking care of myself, that I could do anything. Even climb mountains?

Did I really want to prove to the guy I barely knew that I, who have never climbed a mountain in my whole life, could climb this mountain?

It is too late to back down now but I wish I could.

However, my pride is much stronger than my fear of dying and that terrifies me.

What kind of person would put their pride before staying safe?

I am usually not like this but there is something in me that wants to prove to Royce that I am a strong independent woman and it's strange. In the past, it was never an issue.

I never needed to prove anything to anyone but for some inexplicable reason, I am not ready for Royce to see any sign of weakness from me.

Honestly, I can see that he is not thrilled by our prospects, but he says nothing.

Is he too proud to admit that he is scared? That all this gear that is all over us feels constricting although it is the only thing that can keep us safe?

The annoying thing about him is that I can't really read what he is thinking about. Usually, I can get a sense of the person or their general emotion but with him, I am not so sure.

He seems to be like those annoying guys who play the gentleman role by opening doors to women and similar unnecessary things. But what is he like at the core? What is the feeling now? I have no idea.

Looking at him I can't help but notice that he doesn't seem to be struggling. While I lost my footing several times and almost fell off the mountain countless more.

Before we started climbing we chose the route that seemed the easiest, but I am no longer sure that this was the best choice.

I don't think that there ever was a good choice, but still, I can't help but think somehow it could have been better.

Tiring as it is, I can see why some people find climbing appealing. The adrenaline is rushing through my veins and I feel more alive than I have felt in a long time. Still, I wouldn't have done this under normal circumstance.

It is way out of my comfort zone, and I am not even sure why I am doing this. We need the answers, but I am not sure why I believe the seer so completely.

There is something about their whole family that just makes you feel that they are basically good, that it's safe to trust them even though some members are a bit mischievous.

But is anything worth all this trouble? Royce seems to think so because he is way ahead of me. I am not sure if he is eager to arrive or just showing off.

Well, whatever it is at least he didn't offer to help me, although I do need a bit of help. Of course, I will never ask HIM for help. I am perfectly capable of climbing this 'small' mountain by myself, I hope.

At least my fear of heights seems dormant and no matter how happy I am about that I am also cautious.

It might come back with a vengeance, so I better hurry up and reach the top before I spiral in the black hole of fear and doubt.

Usually, I can sense it coming, and although I seem to be okay for now I worry about it taking me by surprise. I don't want to Royce to see that I am vulnerable.

Ugh, why do I even care? He is just another Goody-two-shoes guy who thinks that a woman always has to be saved by a strong handsome prince.

Well, I don't need a prince to save me. I am perfectly content being by myself, facing challenges on my own and prevailing thanks to my own skills and merits.

I miss Amber. She would have known what to say to make me feel better, and she would have been awesome in dealing with this strange guy.

One moment he is jumping to protect me from innocent goo, the next he is letting me struggle all by myself up this enormous mountain. What is he thinking?

How can he be all about protecting me one moment and then the next moment he is all about seeing me fall to my death.

Was he that offended by what I said? He is a guy, after all, he should have tougher skin than that.

Maybe I shouldn't have overreacted like that, but I don't want him to have any power over me, I need my independence.

My hand slips and stubborn as I am I don't call for help, still help comes in the form of a warm hand clasping mine and helping me regain my stronghold.

He was high above me, and yet he climbed down when he noticed me struggling. Maybe I should be nicer to him, but I don't want him to feel obligated to help me out.

"Thanks, "I say through clenched teeth.

"Don't mention it." Is all he says.

As we continue to the top I am not sure what to think, so I try to clear my head and only focus on having a good footing and firm support that my hands can grab.

Finally! We are at the top and honestly, only the beauty of it all is worth the trouble.

The view is so powerful that I feel that nothing in my petty little life is important. We are just small ants in the grand scheme of things and the majesty of the mountain humbles me more than I ever thought possible.

Everything that I thought was important in the world I came from was shown to me as it truly was, insignificant. With the fresh air in my lungs and the fascinating view under my feet, I realize that all it mattered was here and now.

I felt like the queen of the world for being able to reach the summit, not only of the mountain but also something in my mind, some kind of power, of strength that I have never felt before.

As I turn to look at Royce I can see that something similar is happening to him as well but there is something more, something I can't understand.

He doesn't seem to only be seeing the mesmerizing view. He seems to have the strange power to see me. To truly see under my disguises and perfectly crafted masks. It's uncanny.

My soul seems to be bared to him at that moment and that frightens me more than anything else. Upon seeing my reaction he looks away, but he seems to have seen enough.

Why would he even look? Why does he care?

Instead of trying to answer any of the questions that are buzzing through my head I decide to just let it go. The questions can wait. Right now I just need to rest and enjoy the view. I am sure that the panting dog-like sounds would subside eventually.

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