The moment Amber realized what was happening, she started focusing on summoning her power. Although she didn't want to murder Ci Nada with her powers, she thought that a huge display of her powers would make the dark fairy hesitant to attack.
Even after everything that Ci Nada had done, Amber didn't think anyone deserved to die the terrible death that fire probably provided. She remembered that she had once heard that if one died in their sleep they died in real life, and no matter how much pain Ci Nada had caused them, Amber was hesitant to kill her.
She had two reasons for feeling like that. The first one was selfish since she didn't want to become a murderer but the second reason was the fact that no matter how evil and dark someone was it wasn't Amber's place to judge who should live and who should die, she didn't think anyone should have that kind of power.
In the Shadowworld, they were defending themselves, trying to survive so she could justify her free use of power, but now when there was only Ci Nada standing in front of them, she couldn't see herself burning her alive. Her main goal was to trap her, to make her set them free, and then let the inhabitants of the island deal with the punishment.
However, from the glint in Ignacio's eyes, she wasn't sure he would be as careful not to hurt the dark fairy. She couldn't blame him, but Amber didn't want either of them to become murderers. It would change the very core of who they were, and she couldn't allow for that to happen.
Before Ignacio had the chance to do anything that he would regret for the rest of his life, Amber created a ring of fire around Ci Nada hoping to intimidate her. One small part of her hoped that it would scare her, that she would give up once she knew her prey was no longer incapacitated, but that was not what happened.
Instead of being shocked or terrified, Ci Nada was enraged. There was a look of pure hatred on her face and the determination to end it all, to end them, this terrified Amber. She felt as if she had done something, that she surely had to have done something, to cause the loathing as overwhelming as that.
"He used fire as well, you know! He burned my friends, the innocents! This time, your evil species will not be allowed to breathe on this island, not anymore! This ends now!" Ci Nada said.
In a flash, she was behind Amber and had a large black icicle as sharp as a knife against Amber's throat.
"Did you really think that would stop me?!" She asked Amber with contempt.
Amber knew it was a long shot, but there was something in her core that made her want to save the person who did nothing but try to hurt them, kill them for her sick pleasure. The reason why she felt like that was a mystery to Amber.
Maybe it was the fact that she could see behind Ci Nada's eyes, that she could see into the pain and anger that compelled her to do what she did. And although Amber had never done anything as bad as what Ci Nada had done, she wondered if that could have been her.
If she didn't have an awesome support system, if something horrible had happened to her, maybe she too would turn into a monster. Not because she wanted to but because the pain of staying humane would be too much. That seemed to be the reason behind all those despicable things Ci Nada did, the need to stop the heart-wrenching pain any way she could.
It was obvious in the glint of Ignacio's eyes that he would do anything to help her but that he was out of ideas. He could try and use his powers and move the icicle away, but that could also end up in Amber's throat getting slashed if he overestimated his power, or underestimate Ci Nada's.
"What will you do now? Huh, you lousy human? It's not so fun when the knife is under the throat of someone you love, is it?" Ci Nada spat out.
It was obvious that Ci Nada lost even the shred of rationality that she had before. She kept mixing up Amber and Ignacio with someone from her past, someone who hurt her and the ones she loved.
"We are not who you think we are." Amber tried to say.
However, Ci Nada put the icicle closer to her neck so that if she spoke again Amber would get cut. All she could do was pray. If she tried to use her powers, she could hurt both of them and she didn't want the last image Ignacio has of her to be the one of her burning alive.
It felt more dignified to look him in the eyes with all the courage she could muster and get her throat cut. Although she begged the powers, gods, whatever they might be, not to make her go like that. It was humiliating.
Besides, she wanted, needed, a chance to enjoy the love she had found with Ignacio. She felt she deserved that chance, everyone did.
"The girl is right, my friend. They are not the ones who harmed you. You already had your revenge, my dear. Wasn't it enough? What would all those friends we have lost say if they saw you turning into him? That day, I lost so many friends, please don't make me lose you as well." Avo Jana said.
Only after those words were heard in the vast expanse did they see her materialize. It was a transparent shape of her, but still, she could be seen by all involved.
"I am not like him! I am nothing like him! How dare you say that!?" Ci Nada screamed.
"Aren't you? If I recall correctly, this is the exact scene we witnessed that horrible day. That's how we lost Eternal Sunshine, at the hands of his knife, while he taunted you the same way you are taunting them." Avo Jana said.
The look of confusion crossed Ci Nada's face. It was as if she was reliving the past in that one instant, and all the pain was coming back with a vengeance. Her eyes bulged out as she recognized the truthfulness of Avo Jana's words.
Finally, the horrible truth slapped her in the face. She truly was doing the same that had been done to her. It was unforgivable. The last thing she wanted to do was turn into him.
A loud clank was soon heard as she dropped the icicle to the floor. Firm as it was, it didn't break, but Avo Jana moved her hands in a determined gesture and it turned into a sunflower, Eternal Sunshine's favorite flower. That was when Ci Nada broke down and started crying over.
The moment she got down on her knees, mourning a lost friend, Ignacio started aggressively moving towards her. It was obvious that he wanted to hurt her with his bare hands, not using his powers.
Amber quickly moved to stand between him and Ci Nada.
"Enough, there has been enough, stop." She said.
Ignacio struggled to go around her, to get to Ci Nada, to make her pay, but Amber was always there to block him. She could understand how he felt, but also knew that one day he would be grateful to her for stopping him.
"Ignacio, if you ever felt anything for me, you will stop. We are okay. We will be okay. It's over. Please, stop." Amber said.
To her surprise, he did stop. Probably because he was finally able to see what Amber saw, a broken fairy drowning in pain. Nothing he could do could make it worse for her than it already was.
"It's time to let them go." Avo Jana said as she approached Ci Nada.
The last thing Amber saw before waking up was Avo Jana hugging Ci Nada tightly and promising her that everything would be okay while Ci Nada sobbed in Avo Jana's arms.
Destiny Island
FantasySometimes one ordinary vacation can change your life, forever. It can go beyond anything you planned, or thought possible and surprise you in bad ways as well as good ones. Still, it is up to you to decide what you will do and which path to take. T...